Yearly Archives: 2013

Weekly Round-up: January 25, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Updates: QR codes update: NFC? Mood ring update: Google? Paying-for-content on Open Government update: Free? Outsourcing update: Crowdsourcing? Social Media update: Pinterest? And a question: did signatories of ePeitions know that their data could be crunched like this? Dan Chenok What can government learn from the private sector about how to harness innovation?Read… Read more »

BYOD: It’s Personal

With all of the talk and research that has been going on, it’s tough to ignore BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Lists of organizational pros and cons have been popping up in newspapers, tech reports and blogs attempting to educate private and public employees before their agency dives head first into a BYOD program. WhileRead… Read more »

How Social are Spanish-language Government Facebook Pages?

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Introduction With traditional marketing taking a backseat to digital for many companies, the way government communicates with the public is shifting too. Government agencies are taking cues from the private sector and turning to social media to reach the public. In this report, we review in detailRead… Read more »

Want to use a government facility for your next meeting? Here’s a new tool that helps (a little).

By Lance A. Simon, CGMP, GVEP The SGMP National Chapter (NATCAP) monthly meetings are always interesting, but this week’s session was particularly interactive, even raucous. The discussion was about the use of government facilities as meeting spaces. The star panel presenter was Ms. Pathina Fitzgerald, Project Manager for GSA’s fledgling Federal Meeting Facilities Tool (FMFT)Read… Read more »

Managing CCDD Material in Illinois

Well now that the dust has settled on the CCDD regulations, many of us are figuring out how we are going to manage the material in order to comply with the law. Basically, the process for many of us will be some modification of the following: Determine if the excavation is near a Potentially ImpactedRead… Read more »

Get Ahead of the Curve with Cloud based Collaboration

According to analyst firm, Enterprise Strategy Group, the enterprise cloud based file sharing revolution is being driven not by IT, but by end users – individuals who need to access and share data across laptops, smart phones and tablets whenever the need may arise. And, it’s these individuals who often subscribe to consumer-based file sharingRead… Read more »

How to Write a Pathways Federal Resume – Join the RoundTable tomorrow

Please join us on FedTalk Radio to discuss Pathway applications. I’ll be discussing the Federal Resume format that will be the best for current students and recent graduates! Information: January 25, 2013 — In 2011, the Office of Personnel Management proposed new rules that would help students and recent graduates obtain federal positions. TheRead… Read more »

How much of Australia is represented by federal politicians tweeting?

Recently Twitter announced (as reported in Mediabistro) that 100% of elected US Senators and 90% of Representatives were using Twitter, and mapped the country to show electorate coverage by state. I track the use of Twitter by Australian federal politicians through my Australians Politicians on Twitter Google spreadsheet (about 66% use the service), and decidedRead… Read more »

Managing Your Supervisor

This article was written by Logan Harper, community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s online MPA programs. For more information on public administration degrees follow MPA@UNC on Twitter at @MPAatUNC. — It wouldn’t be called work if it were easy. No matter the work environment, occasional conflict isRead… Read more »