Yearly Archives: 2013

To Sell is Human

Everybody’s selling something, be it a product, image, idea etc. [i] I’m reading Daniel H. Pink’s new book To Sell is Human and loving it. I tell my folks all the time that they are always selling to the client, to their co-workers, or to me. Whether it’s our services, an idea, or their performance,Read… Read more »

NASA 2013 Summer Internships for Students!

Are you a student looking for a Summer Internship? Applications are being accepted until March 15, 2013. FAQs are available at FAQs for NASA 2013 Summer Internships. For more information about the types of jobs available, go to To apply, login in/register at

Does Mobility Matter? Is Implementing the Digital Gov’t Strategy Possible? 4 CIOs weigh in

Mobility is one of the major cornerstones of the Digital Government Strategy. And a new poll shows that 22% of people own at least one tablet device. So clearly the move to mobile is here and here to stay. And the role of mobility is even more challenging for federal CIOs. They’re being asked toRead… Read more »

Governing in the Next Four Years: Technology

MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Technology While you may not have come to Washington to manage information technology (IT), you should pay attention to it for two reasons. First, if you leverage IT effectively, it will help you achieve your goals. Second, if IT is managed poorly in your agency,Read… Read more »

Innovating the Permit Process in Charlotte Before the Democratic National Convention

Andy Pitman (Alpharetta, GA) — Last year, Charlotte, North Carolina was presented with an enormous opportunity — and challenge — hosting the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The event would bring more than 35,000 attendees, including media, delegates, and other guests to the city to officially nominate the next Democratic presidential candidate. As one can imagine,Read… Read more »

Register now for the first free Gov 2.0 lunchtime event in Canberra for 2013

Canberra’s free Gov 2.0 lunchtime events continue for the fourth year in 2013, with the first monthly event featuring two great presentations: “R.I.P. to the media release, hello crowd sources” on the use of social media in real-time emergency communications by Darren Cutrupi of the ACT Emergency Services Agency, and “The British Invasion – howRead… Read more »

On Campus with Northern Illinois University MPA Program

This feature highlights graduate programs focusing on public administration or public policy. Our first two features were Kansas University and Willamette University. Today we feature the Northern Illinois University MPA program. ELGL became impressed with the quality of NIU MPA graduates through ELGL member Ben McCready, current Rock Island Assistant to the City Manager. IfRead… Read more »

Pardon Our Dust – A Much Needed GovLoop Refresh is Coming!

The GovLoop team, with the aid of the good folks at Forum One, is currently in the process of pushing a few new updates to the site in our continual efforts towards better usability and an overall more pleasing user experience. So if you see strange things happening around the site, please bear with us!Read… Read more »

Meeting Cities

San Francisco City Hall Truth be told, it’s safe to say what we’ll be doing in February is a bit of a mystery to us all. What will our schedule be? Where will we live? How do we need to plan? For the uninitiated, February is the time Code for America Fellows leave San FranciscoRead… Read more »

Public Sector Big Data: 5 Ways Big Data Must Evolve in 2013

By Ray Muslimani Editor’s note: This guest post provides context on mission focused data analytics in the federal space by one of the leaders of the federal big data movement, Ray Muslimani. -bg 2012 will go down as a “Big” year for Big Data in the public sector. Rhetoric and hype has been followed byRead… Read more »