Yearly Archives: 2013

The New Organizational Structure and Telework

The future of our US economy may continue to fluctuate and will be very different than in the past or the present time. The Federal government reporting and operational structure will need to be streamlined and reorganized to reduce operating costs and to create an efficient, low cost Federal government. By implementing the Telework ActRead… Read more »

Gov 1310: an Adult Learner’s Experience with the Harvard Cheating Scandal

Among the great experiences of the year just past for me was the opportunity to learn about the US Congress through the Harvard Extension School from Professor Matthew B. Platt in the class Gov 1310. … Yes that class. Nearly one year since the first session of Gov 1310 and headlines about the class continueRead… Read more »

Looking Forward – 2013 The Year Of The Crowdfunding Gold Rush

By MollyJust 2012 was an amazing year for crowdfunding. Within the span of a three month period (March – May 2012), the largest crowdfunding sites including Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Grow VC, and Rockethub doubled their daily traffic and donation volumes. Between 2008 and 2011, Kickstarter’s issuers raised over $200 million in sales. In 2012, the siteRead… Read more »

Sloppy Reporting Misleads the Public on Obama’s Executive Orders

Executive Orders, Political Ignorance, and Journalists’ Negligence On Tuesday, thousands of ignorant reporters were wrong about President Obama’s proposals to end gun violence. Their negligence fuels the psycho-goofball conspiracy nutjobs who claim that Executive Orders are illegal, that Obama has issued more than any other president, and that he’s coming for your guns. Barack ObamaRead… Read more »

The impact of the American Tax Relief Act of 2012 on Government Contracting

Just got off the phone with my partners Dr. Saltzberg and Epipeline for next Tuesday’s webinar. We have a great drill down on the landscape for the 2013 government year as well as the impact of some of the recent tax legislations on your business. Register Now at:

Group Decision Tip: Carrots are Better than Sticks

In principle, you can get a donkey to move forward in two ways: entice her in front with a carrot or hit her from behind with a stick. Carrots are rewards, incentives, appreciation, and — the most compelling — visions of how things can be better. Sticks are punishments, criticisms, and — the most destructiveRead… Read more »

Jiu-Jitsu at the Office

Over the past year I’ve spoken specifically on “Dealing with Executive Stress” and more generally on personal performance. In today’s blog I’d like to talk about something I feel has been exceptionally helpful in dealing with stress as well as helped me develop skills that have enhanced my personal performance in the workplace. About fourRead… Read more »

Military suicides on the rise: What can be done to help?

Here’s a sad fact, last year more service members committed suicide than died on the battlefield. Despite extensive support and counseling programs, as many as 349 service members committed suicide last year, which would be the highest number since the Department of Defense began keeping detailed statistics in 2001. The President and the Defense SecretaryRead… Read more »

Knope of the Week: Port of Portland

After a long holiday break including a brief jump off the fiscal cliff, the Knope of the Week is rested and ready to anoint the standouts in the local government arena for 2013. This year recipients will not only the incredible fame and glory associated with the award, but they will be recognized with aRead… Read more »