Yearly Archives: 2013

Government’s New Toy: GSA’s Pinteresting Process of Terms of Service

Ever wonder how government agencies might utilize the social media site Pinterest? The United States Mint could show us pictures of their favorite Elongated Souvenir Coins. DHS could put up picture recaps from their favorite scenes of the previous week’s episode of Homeland. Or maybe, the United States Department of Agriculture would illustrate the drollRead… Read more »

Coast to Coast: A Difference from East to West?

Everyone knows about the surfer dude. The constant “yeah mans” and “yeah bro” are phrases associated with only one person of one coast? Can’t be the east, because dignified lobbyists are speaking with much refined tongues, and strict guards on their vocabulary. However, when it comes to the different sides of the country, are weRead… Read more »

Governing in the Next Four Years: Contracting

This article was originally published by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIESSubject: Contracting In addition to managing your own workforce, you will be responsible for managing a large contingent of contractors. You will need to ensure that contractor performance isRead… Read more »

One-Time Use Mobile Apps

On Monday, I received an email from the Inaugural Committee encouraging me to download the Inauguration 2013 App to my smartphone to stay up to date on events taking place in DC this weekend. This simple but thorough mobile app shows me where I can watch the Inauguration (with or without a ticket), the routeRead… Read more »

Online Education Startup Minerva Launches Non-profit to Reimagine 21st-Century Research Universities

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — The Minerva Project, an education startup self-described as “the first elite American university launched in a century,” has $25 million in venture funding and advisors including former Harvard president Larry Summers. From their website: Minerva is assembling an exceptional team dedicated to providing a uniquely rigorous and challenging education toRead… Read more »

Guns & Government: The Anti-Federalist Solution

With the gun control debate still raging nationwide, we should carefully consider the original intent of the Founding Fathers in applying the U.S. Constitution – including the Bill of Rights — to federal, state and local governance. While many arguments and interpretations have been directed at parsing the language of the Second Amendment there’s aRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 17 January 2013

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Standing on the shoulders of giants | Government Digital Service We also believe in openness and we think that government departments should behave as though there are humans in them. This is from our human side. Creating digital services. A jump not a journey | iansthoughtsRead… Read more »

A Primer For Local Government Officials Who Want To Jump Start Economic Development

Any easy way to grasp “how to jump start local economic development” is to understand that every community across America {except where the sale of liquor is prohibited by a municipal law or County ordinance} has three types of bars? There are trendy upscale bars – the nightclubs, supper clubs and ethnic pubs. Places whereRead… Read more »