Yearly Archives: 2013

Top 5 Customer Service Tips: Lessons From Philadelphia

In GovLoop’s Agency of the Future Guide to Customer Service, we provide you with tips and best practices for improving customer service in government. To unearth some of these recommendations, we interviewed Rosetta Carrington Lue, the chief customer service officer for the city of Philadelphia. Lue, over the past couple of years, has implemented threeRead… Read more »

How to make performance management work

Back in 2010, Congress passed the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The goal was simple, strengthen performance management in agencies. That sounds simple, but in the government culture it is hard to focus on outcomes over results. Grant Thorton and the Partnership for Public Service teamed up to the look at the effects ofRead… Read more »

Increase Your Confidence in Less Than 5 Minutes

“With confidence, you have won before you have started.” – Marcus Garvey You can increase your feeling of confidence within a few minutes, even with a few seconds. Are you ready? All you have to do is accomplish one thing that brings you one step closer to one of your goals, and your confidence willRead… Read more »

Fast Track Your Career

Do you dream of a better life, higher pay, a challenging position with responsibility and one that takes full advantage of your interests, education, and experience? You can turn your dreams into reality and be one of the many thousands of federal employees each year that are promoted or attain higher level government jobs. WhatRead… Read more »

Just Having Fun in My Lifetime

Your brand’s return on its social media investment isn’t always about return on investment (ROI). Sometimes, it’s more about the return on relationship (ROR) and how effectively it is engaging members, customers and other stakeholders. During one of my recent visits to the gym, I tweeted that I was having “another great morning in myRead… Read more »

Why Australian councils and other governments need to be very careful using SurveyMonkey & other US-owned online engagement tools

I’ve had an interesting and robust conversation online in the last day regarding how Australian councils and governments are using overseas services like SurveyMonkey to collect information from citizens and residents. It’s no secret that SurveyMonkey in particular is widely used, with other tools like SurveyGizmo and Wufoo also used by many Australian councils andRead… Read more »


I got a chiding comment about Civility. “You write about longer conversations opening more options. You should be selling what your company is offering.” Fair enough. Through a quirk of career, I was a product manager designing offerings before I ever got into the field. As a matter of fact, I fought going into theRead… Read more »

Sheila Dugan: Why I’m Coding for America

I wanted to be a Code for America fellow before I truly appreciated the organization’s mission and work. The Fellowship appeared to be a professional challenge, allowing me to collaborate with computer programmers instead of policy wonks. I only really learned how technology could transform communities after working on the State Broadband Initiative in SouthRead… Read more »

Audit Outlines Missed IT Savings Chances for Agencies

A Government Accountability Office report says federal agencies have largely not developed comprehensive plans to consolidate information technology systems under the PortfolioStat initiative, Nextgov reported Wednesday. Joseph Marks writes GAO identified 200 IT reform opportunities that could save agencies up to $5.8 billion through 2015. GAO’s savings projection is more than double the $2.5 billionRead… Read more »