Yearly Archives: 2013

DARPA to tackle Cloud Security, Transportation Worker Identification Credential program “doesn’t work” and more

By RyanKamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Malware Infects Two Power Plants Lacking Basic Security Controls – The most recent DHS Industrial Control System (ICS) CERT report has knowledge of two infected power plants via USB drive vectors. Updated antivirus software did find the malware, but not for someRead… Read more »

How I Wound Up Working for Government

It was local government day and seniors from the local high school were invited to visit City Hall. Those students who took the field trip to City Hall were given a tour of all the City offices and then they had lunch with several members of the City Council. After lunch, they were invited toRead… Read more »

The Most Enlightening Five Articles, Three Quotes, and One Photo About the Late Digital Activist Aaron Swartz

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Aaron Swartz, a digital activist described as a wizardly computer programmer and prodigy by friends and colleagues, committed suicide recently; here is his well-written New York Times obituary. Much has been written about him, his career, his struggles with depression, and his tangles with the law in his quest forRead… Read more »

Fed IT Watchers: You need to know sequestration isn’t over yet

By ChrisScott Surely you didn’t think sequestration was over did you? But just in case you crossed this off your worry list we are here to remind you, the impacts of current delays are going to be disruptive, and the threat more “can-kicking” still exists and can make things even worse. Full scale sequstration, asRead… Read more »

The CTOvision Disruptive IT List: Firms we believe all enterprise technologists should be tracking

By BobGourley Disruptive IT List The Disruptive IT List is our assessment of the technology firms with the greatest potential for virtuous disruption of enterprise IT. Our goal is to provide enterprise CTOs with advanced notice of firms they should be evaluating now for use in transforming their technology base. We believe the firmsRead… Read more »

A New Year’s Look at Government Communications

A message from NAGC President-Elect John Verrico As we begin 2013, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all members of the National Association of Government Communicators – and those government communicators who are still pondering about joining us – a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Government communicators faced some significant challenges inRead… Read more »

Register Now for 30 Jan Federal Big Data Apache Hadoop Forum

By BobGourley If you are fielding enterprise-grade data solutions in the federal space, especially in the national security components of government, please consider attending this Big Data event. Friends at Cloudera are lead sponsors and coordinators of a new Big Data Forum focused on Apache Hadoop. The first, which will be held 30 January 2013Read… Read more »

Next steps on NCDD’s response to Newtown shooting

On December 17th (three days after the Newtown tragedy), NCDD launched a collaborative workspace on Hackpad to help the dialogue and deliberation community think through how we might respond — both individually and collectively — to the shooting and all it surfaced. There has been a lot of activity on the Hackpad site at,Read… Read more »

Government Health Administration Careers

Many students I talk to do not realize the huge opportunity they have with respect to government health administration careers. In fact, the Veterans Health Administration has an annual budget of $46 billion and nearly 300,000 employees. Obviously a huge portion of the government. Nevertheless, the Veterans Health Administration provides assistance through administration and managementRead… Read more »

Considering copyright in a digital world – the 2013 Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum

Copyright is one of the battlefields of the digital age, with the ability to rapidly copy and distribute works via digital channels challenging 20th century industries that have relied on traditional copyright laws to profit and thrive. It is also a key area for governments, who vary in their approach to copyright around the world.Read… Read more »