Yearly Archives: 2013

Aphorism 76

Assume nobody else has any idea what they’re doing either Aaron Swartz Original post


This blog is for the U.S. Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Strategic Action Plan: –“Develop a Tool for Installation MWR Master Planning Which Describes Source Data for Environmental Analysis and Forecast; Program and Market Analysis; and the Methodology for Development of Alternatives to Be Used in the MWR Implementation Plan.” Here is the plan MWR-BusinessPlanningTemplateRead… Read more »

Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design issues RFP for rural communities facing design challenges

Here’s an announcement from CommunityMatters, a partnership that NCDD is involved in… The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design (CIRD) is issuing a request for proposals to rural communities facing design challenges to host local workshops in 2013. Successful applicants will receive a $7,000 grant and in-kind design expertise and technical assistance valued at $35,000. TheRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

After a huge first week in 2013, stocks followed through with some modest gains last week. Buyers stepped up each time the stock indices saw any kind of a dip and that might keep stocks buoyant for a while longer. Here are the TSP fund returns for the week of January 7 through January 11.Read… Read more »

The New Work Force in the New Economy

The new workforce in the new economy is telework/telecommuting. The new workforce requires a different organizational structure and different management and leadership mindset and skills. I see the economy of the future will be more community based than currently. Are organizations ready for this transformation? I am prepared and really look forward to becoming aRead… Read more »

Ryan’s Tech Predictions on consumer IT and mobility for 2013

By RyanKamauff With this post we dive deeper into technology trends associated with consumer IT, especially mobility in 2013. These flow from our earlier overview of the seven shapers of technology in 2013, but have a bit more fidelity. We offer some predictions on how we see the mobile and technology world over the nextRead… Read more »

Big Data, MarkLogic, and Tableau = Greatest Possible Insights

By RyanKamauff This presentation at the recent Tableau conference was so popular, we just had to repeat it! Fernando Mesa, Chief Technologist, Enterprise, will reprise the presentation in this special webcast. Join Fernando in a discussion on how to combine the power of Tableau against a NoSQL Database that is able to perform analytics againstRead… Read more »

Information Week Review of our Social Media Field Guide

This week, David Carr from Information Week wrote a very comprehensive and thoughtful review of the Field Guide that he titled The Government Leader’s Guide To Social Media. He did a great job of pulling out some of the core elements that we hope to get across to readers with regards to culture change, policyRead… Read more »

Launching the Canadian OGP Civil Society Discussion Group

Dear colleagues, We are Canadians who have been actively involved with the Open Government Partnership (OGP) process, including by participating in the OGP meeting in Brasilia in April 2012. The OGP is a joint government – civil society initiative to promote greater openness, participation and accountability in countries which have already attained a minimum standardRead… Read more »