Yearly Archives: 2013

That was the week that was

Someone asked me to try and explain why this week was so awesome, cos I’d said it would be impossible. So here is my try. Some of this is very vague as I’m working on a project that’s in alpha and very not ready quite yet for the world to descend on it but I’llRead… Read more »

AFGE Members Provide Assistance to Their Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Superstorm Sandy Aftermath

AFGE was founded on the principles of brotherhood and sisterhood and, in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the union has portrayed just that. While many AFGE members are attempting to regain some normalcy after the storm, others have banded together to provide assistance to their brothers and sisters affected by Superstorm Sandy. AFGE’s National ExecutiveRead… Read more »

The Future of Work

Filed under: Change, Collaboration, Crowdsourcing, Enterprise 2.0, Innovation, IT, Knowledge Management Original post

Til Debt Do Us Part: Reality Television and Poverty

I’m traveling for business and that means several things. Most predictably it means come the evening, I’m getting on a tread mill to exercise. I’m in Edmonton. It’s cold. Like -24C (-11F) cold. For whatever reason, while running the TV in front of me brings up Til Death Do Us Part a sort of realityRead… Read more »

NAGC Presents a Special Webinar ~ Lessons Learned: Engaging Citizens in War-Torn Countries

Lessons Learned: Engaging Citizens in War-TornCountries Thursday, January 31, 2013, 10 am EST Rear Admiral Vic BeckVice Chief of InformationU.S. Navy How do you communicate with and engage citizens who are just trying to survive? Especially, if you are the occupying force in war-torn areas? Rear Admiral Vic Beck was mobilized to run the publicRead… Read more »

Increase in world leaders tweeting mean an increase in open government?

Just after the new year, the Washington Post advertised a recent study showing that an increasing amount of world leaders are taking to Twitter to increase their reach to nationals, 140 characters at a time. While this new report from the Digital Policy Council does show a significant upward trend in the number of leadersRead… Read more »