Yearly Archives: 2013

CfP: Transformation of Citizenship and Governance in Asia (Special Issue)

Call for Papers (Special Issue) Transformation of Citizenship and Governance in Asia: The Challenges of Social and Mobile Media Guest Editors: Marko M. Skoric (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Nojin Kwak (University of Michigan, USA), Ines Mergel (Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University), and Peter Parycek (Danube University Krems, Austria) The proliferation ofRead… Read more »

Baby Boomers, Retirement, and Teleworking

I just wanted to chime in regarding the Federal retirement claims dropping by 57% from January 2012 to December 2012. Times ARE changing! I enjoy studying generations and several years ago predictions about the Baby Boomer generation was “all the rage.” Now the time has come and I find what is taking place fascinating. However,Read… Read more »

Dynamic Facilitation: Ottawa, Pakistan, and Polygamy

This post was submitted by Rosa Zubizarreta of DiaPraxis, an organizational member of NCDD. Contact Rosa at [email protected] if you have questions about this post. “From Conflict to Creative Community: A transformative Dynamic Facilitation learning journey” will be taking place in Ottawa on May 1-3, 2013. Discount available for NCDD members. For a fairly conventionalRead… Read more »

Thinking in the Moment: Three things you should drop everything for and do right now

Recognizing when and what to drop everything for and just do it is a valuable skill In my blog post on “Getting Things Done: Three key takeaways that will change your performance,” I mentioned that one of the biggest takeaways that I had from the book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free ProductivityRead… Read more »

Government Mandate for e-Procurement Expected to Bring Savings

As a part of the “Campaign to Cut Waste,” the president has required that the Internet Payment Platform (IPP) go live for all government agencies by the start of the fiscal year. This means that as of October 1, 2012, businesses will have to use e-procurement to send bills to the federal government. While theseRead… Read more »

Expense Management: Trading Paper For Best Practices

Did you know that more than 2 out of 3 American businesses still mail receipts to their accounting departments? It doesn’t make for fast or reliable expense management, but it’s been ingrained in established business processes for so long, some companies are reluctant to put aside what they know for what’s new…even if what theyRead… Read more »

Spend Management: Why Automating Makes Sense

It’s no surprise that business is becoming more and more automated: as it goes for the world, so it goes for financial data. The stress of corporate spend management is paving the way for a more automated perspective, from spend analysis to policy enforcement and compliance. Being unable to access up-to-date financial data can seriouslyRead… Read more »