Yearly Archives: 2013

Misplaced or Stolen? Asset Management Blunder Causes Police to Lose Track of Equipment

Riot gear goes missing from a large city police department and a team of detectives is put on the case to track down both the missing equipment and the culprit. Sounds like the start of a movie plot, right? It wasn’t quite so entertaining when it happened to police officers in Victoria, British Columbia, whoRead… Read more »

Trainers: Between the Rock and the Hard Place

Training can be misinterpreted by managers. It can be looked upon erroneously as the solution for a host of business productivity problems, and time or credit given reluctantly for attendance. Some managers see training as a way of moving forward. Some see cross training employees and enhancing professional skills of value only in times ofRead… Read more »

The Role of the Trainer Should Not Be Underestimated

Jackie Apodaca, an assistant professor at Southern Oregon University, writes in BACKSTAGE, “The Role of the Actor in Society Should Not Be Underestimated.” Theatre is a fine art and that is how she talks about it. I want to show how theatre (acting in particular) embodies some similar charactistics, applies as a practical art–and training–trainersRead… Read more »

Today & Tomorrow Only! Free e-Book of “The Moment of Oh!”

Attention Amazon Kindle users! Don’t miss out on a great opportunity from NCDD organizational member, CivilSay! Today and tomorrow, you can download a free copy of The Moment of OH! by John Blakinger and Greg Ranstrom on to your Kindle e-Book reader. Not a Kindle user? Well, you can still order a copy of theirRead… Read more »

Focus on what you can do – advice for leaders

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve millions of people around the world start planning their resolutions. For most people those resolutions fall into a few categories: health, relationships, family and career. We are going to tackle the career question here. And sometimes the resolutions are more about perspective than anything else. TomRead… Read more »

Free Webinar: Adopting New Technology

Is your organization adopting a new technology? Of course you are! Unfortunately, the all-too-common experience is that the anticipated benefits never materialize. MB&A Academy Instructor, Bob Daniel, discusses the motivations driving the adoption of new technologies, the factors that disrupt adoption, and what you really need to do to be successful. You’ll leave with aRead… Read more »


Over the end of the year I met a person who is creating a Social Media Certification Program. “Do you use social media?” “No, I develop certification programs. I ask people who hire social media professionals what they are looking for, and then create lessons and examinations. That way, managers who are new to socialRead… Read more »

PNNL joins with UW to form big data institute, Researchers find weakness in Microsoft’s Fix It

By RyanKamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. PNNL joins with UW to form big data institute – The PNNL and the University of Washington are partnering to create the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing. The institute aims to be a collaboration center for researchers to explore advanced computer systemRead… Read more »

Ducks can swim, but governments generally can’t

Ducks swim calmly and smoothly along, obscuring the fact that below the surface they may be paddling frantically. That’s the analogy used by Louise Kidney commenting on a post I wrote last year to describe how joined up government may be working in practice. The best that government can be is to provide that seamlessRead… Read more »

Focus and Goofing Off

Recently, I was talking with Dick about keys to successful results. We identified focus as an important element contributing to superior outcomes. Today was one of those rare balmy January days in Washington, DC, hovering around 60 degrees, so Dick and I headed to a nearby course for a round golf. While returning to ourRead… Read more »