Yearly Archives: 2013

Tech Evolves Quickly – Are CIOs Able to Keep Up?

The pace of technology is unbelievably fast. Tablets, mobile and big data are all transforming the technology world. But cybersecurity experts and chief information officers are struggling to keep up. Anne Reed is the President of Anne Reed Consulting. She is also the former CIO at the USDA. She recently won the prestigious Janice K.Read… Read more »

Breaking Down MeriTalk’s sCIOal (Social) Circle Study

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — How good are Federal government Chief Information Officers (CIOs) at social media? That was the question posed by media company MeriTalk in their recent study, named sCIOal Circle (get it?). According to the study (registration required), this is the first of an annual series of analyses. Thus, before the nextRead… Read more »

Join Our Study: Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics – Survey

Post Highlights Take the survey: Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics Help develop a community based resource Your chance to help peers work through common analytics challenges Join Us: Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics – Survey We at GovLoop need your help. We are working on an analytics report, Unlocking the Power of GovernmentRead… Read more »

How Important is a Senior Manager’s Wardrobe?

Below is an important lesson for all upper and senior managers … especially those in government During the settling of the original thirteen colonies pirate ships often sailed into the harbors of coastal cities. Once in the American ports the pirates would pillage and plunder from the struggling colonists. To prevent marauding pirates from stealingRead… Read more »

Information: To Share and Protect, Part 1

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok at the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. Among my New Year’s reading list were two December issuances that impact the world of information and privacy in government: the White House’s National Strategy on Information Sharing, and the Federal CIO Council’s Recommendations for Digital PrivacyRead… Read more »

Victorian government releases its Digital Innovation Review

Late last year I completed a piece of work with the Victorian government reviewing and benchmarking their digital innovation performance by agency, compared to other governments in Australia and around the world. For the purposes of the report, digital innovation was defined as: Involves the use of digital channels, tools and relevant methodologies to improveRead… Read more »

How to Make Telework Actually Work Government-wide

When the Telework Enhancement Act (TEA) became law in December 2010 proponents of working remotely had good reason to cheer. Yet today most telework programs at federal agencies still need further enhancement. Telework has been around the federal government in one form or another for at least a decade. Thus, agencies have already had plentyRead… Read more »