Yearly Archives: 2013

Winter Safety Game in Second Life

The other day my friend, LuAnn Strine Phillips, posted a link on Facebook to a project she’s been working on: a winter safety game created in Second Life. Since cold weather safety is important to public works professionals, I visited her site to check it out. I landed in what looked to be a pineRead… Read more »

The Learners vs. The Learned: Which one are you in 2013?

Read more at Connect on Twitter @ drbillbrennan The Learners vs. The Learned: Which one are you in 2013? This past summer I had the very fortunate opportunity (with my good friend and colleague @triciainter) to spend two days with the fine people of Miles College talking about Leadership and Learning in an AgeRead… Read more »

Requesting help to create really useful events for local government web managers & digital teams

Happy New Year everybody! Hope you’ve had a lovely holiday and looking forward to the new 2013. We accomplished and overcome many things in 2012. We survived the end of the world, celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee, hosted the London Olympics and (most importantly) GOV.UK was launched! It’s been a good year – Express Yourself! ItsRead… Read more »

Whoops. I got it wrong again.

Reflective post is reflective. I’d class as self indulgent but that’s just me. It feels awkward, I’ve not done this before. So. My old team. Me, bod same job title as me, boss with same job title as me but Manager tacked on the end of it. Above him, our Head of Service. I thinkRead… Read more »

Top 3 Reasons to Consider a Cloud-ECM Solution

Thoughts from my colleague Glenn Gibson… The idea of running enterprise applications in the cloud is no longer revolutionary. single-handedly managed to slip cloud-based CRM into many high-profile organizations, without anyone seeming to bat an eye. And Office 365 is now boasting some great success stories. It’s safe to say that people are distinctlyRead… Read more »

Obama Nominees are in for a fight – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Click here for the full recap. The first new appointments to the Obama administrationRead… Read more »

Microsoft 8 – The Power of Windows To Go

Post Highlights GovLoop releases report providing an overview of Windows To Go Windows To Go is a new feature of Windows 8 that allows employees to carry their Windows 8 desktop on a USB key and access information on any PC Windows To Go facilitates COOP initiatives, opens new opportunities for agencies, and works inRead… Read more »

Specialized New Manager On-Boarding Delivers Success For The Manager And Organization

Well planned and implemented on-boarding specialized for new managers results in fewer mistakes and disruptions to workflow and reduces the time it takes to be fully productive. For newly hired managers any formal on-boarding process usually involves a one-size-fits-all organization-wide process and then the person to whom they report will develop an orientation to theRead… Read more »

The Federal Workforce is Going to be SMALLER – So who gets cut? Acquisition Workforce?

There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Stan Soloway is the President and CEO of the Professional Services Council. His team has just completed theirRead… Read more »