Yearly Archives: 2013

Why I’m Mentoring for America: Zachary Townsend

This post is part of an ongoing series by Code for America mentors. Zachary is a 2013 mentor at Code for America for the startups program. I work with governments because, when operated well, they can improve the lives of so many people. I work with civic startups at the CfA Accelerator because, when operatedRead… Read more »

Be Better Than Your Best

Quote: “Always do your very best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino Some skills are absolutely essential to your fulfilling your peak potential. If you do not continue to develop those skills then you risk jeopardizing your career and financial goals. Knowledge is doubling faster than in years past, soRead… Read more »

Social media policies from across Australian governments

I’ve been compiling a list of social media policies released by government agencies and councils across Australia as a central resource bank for organisations who are either still in the process of creating their policies, or are interested in reviewing and improving them. Thus far I’ve identified just over 70 policies – a small numberRead… Read more »

Discover North Carolina’s New Tech Hub, iCenter – Plus your weekend reads!

Every day it seems like tech companies unveiling new and revolutionary technologies and agencies can’t get their hands on the technologies fast enough. But there is a problem. Agencies are siloed. That means that the government often end up buying the same technology twice. North Carolina is trying to curb the problem by creating theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 01, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Bill Eggers writes about “The Solution Economy” in Fast CoExist, arguing, “The companies working to better society and the planet are creating their own economy, but it’s up to us–and our governments–whether or not they succeed.” HowTo.Gov publishes a Halloween edition of SocialGov content. It is “the fourth installment of an ongoing seriesRead… Read more »

Does Your Team Suck…Or Are You Just A Bad Leader?

“My people don’t get it. My staff is incompetent. I feel like I’m babysitting instead of doing real work. My team is dysfunctional. I’m sick of my employees bringing me problems instead of solutions.” Ever hear yourself registering these complaints to a confidant, significant other, or friend? I’ve heard these laments from many clients. ThereRead… Read more »

New Round of Grants from the Taylor Willingham Legacy Fund

We’d like to encourage all NCDD members to consider applying for a grant from — or donating to — the Taylor L. Willingham Legacy Fund. You can find out more about Taylor, her work in deliberation, and her legacy here. The original NIFI announcement can be found by clicking here. Applications are now being acceptedRead… Read more »

What Does it Take to Excel With Big Data?

Ever feel like there is data everywhere – yet not an insight to be found? It’s a common challenge facing organizations today, especially as organizations are flooded with information. The good news is that we are just getting started with big data, and innovations will continue to accelerate as regulations take hold, infrastructures are built,Read… Read more »

GTSC Adds Three New Strategic Advisers

The Government Technology & Services Coalition has appointed three new members to its strategic advisory panel that counsels small and mid-sized companies within the federal security market. Paul Benda, GSIS partner and chief technology officer, Obsidian Analysis Inc. Vice President Jason McNamara and Molly Wilkinson, senior vice president of Regions Financial Corp., are the newRead… Read more »