Yearly Archives: 2013

Reevaluating Federal Security Clearance Procedures – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: TechAmerica’s annual forecast made one thing clear, budgets are tight and they are only going to get tighter. The only way to be successful is to think and do things differently in government. But that sentiment is so much easier said than done. We get insights from Trey Hodgkins and RobertRead… Read more »

Gov Geeks at the Summit

In many ways, the Code for America Summit is a three-day celebration of the the amazing government officials who make up the CfA Peer Network — and the important, often challenging work they do as public servants to drive civic innovation in their cities and counties. With representatives more than 86 cities attending this year,Read… Read more »

GSA: 32% of Data Centers Shuttered During FY 2013

The General Services Administration has moved to close 37 data centers and consolidate information technology systems as part of agency efforts to reduce its footprint and costs. GSA shut 32 percent of its non-core data centers in fiscal year 2013 as part of the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative aimed at cutting real estate costsRead… Read more »

Happy Halloween

Halloween is a great time to be creepily creative at CFC! The USAID took an ingenious approach to their CFC Kickoff carving these cool pumpkins that will be auctioned later. We loved the way US Treasury Loaned Executive Andy Zuckerman lit up the festive mood in the CFC office with his happy Halloween Costume. HaveRead… Read more »

“Gentlemen, we are out of money; Now we have to think” – Winston Churchill.

“Gentlemen, we are out of money; Now we have to think” – Winston Churchill. TechAmerica’s annual forecast made one thing clear, budgets are tight and they are only going to get tighter. The only way to be successful is to think and do things differently in government. But that sentiment is so much easier saidRead… Read more »

How to Build Your Foundation for IT Innovation

There are a lot of interesting trends shaping government – the move to self-service platforms, cloud, mobile and leveraging big data. Although these trends are unique, one constant is that across all emerging trends, they are powered by documents. Proper document management is essential to deliver services in new ways and improve internal efficiencies. AsRead… Read more »