Yearly Archives: 2013

Senate Resolution Designating October as National Work and Family Month – What Is Your Agency’s Best Work/Life Practice?

In the “better late than never” department, the Senate unanimously passed S. Res. 276 (below) designating October 2013 as National Work and Family Month. My question is – What is YOUR agency’s best work/life practice? In my case, parts of my agency are supportive of employee health and wellness – providing time off for fitness,Read… Read more »

The Choice of Leadership

Originally posted on I’ve been reading a lot about leadership lately, mainly thanks to George’s weekly roundups here on #govlife. Earlier this week Scott wrote a piece on leadership as well, The New Government Leader. He talked about the behaviours that define tomorrow’s successful government leaders. The article he referenced suggested that future leadersRead… Read more »

Avoid Risk by Using Solicitation/Contract Templates

By Cynthia Zieman, CFCM Imagine this scenario. Your acquisition lead time is quickly slipping. Time is running short to develop your solicitation documents, which could jeopardize meeting the target project completion date. What do you do? It’s likely that you don’t start entirely from scratch on a completely blank page. Do you pull the lastRead… Read more »

Making Engagement More Fun with CommunityMatters

Civic engagement and public participation can often be dry, boring, and even down right tedious, and many of us have struggled to find ways to make civic engagement more fun. Some have found interesting ways to do it, but for many of us, it’s hard to think of new ways to jazz up our work.Read… Read more »

Patrick Gallagher, Michael Daniel Ask for Draft Cyber Guidelines Input

The White House and the National Institute of Standards and Technology are collecting feedback on a preliminary set of cybersecurity standards for the private sector. This voluntary framework seeks to provide commercial and government organizations a common language to share cyber risk management strategies, according to a White House blog post published Tuesday by NISTRead… Read more »

Francis Collins: NIH Aims for Upgraded Medical Robotics

The National Institutes of Health has awarded nearly $2.4 million in funding for three robotics projects in an effort to help patients with disabilities and aid in medical procedures. NIH is participating for the second year in the National Robotics Initiative to build robots that are intended to assist visually- and physically-impaired individuals and enhanceRead… Read more »

Avoid Risk by Using Solicitation/Contract Templates

By Cynthia Zieman, CFCM Imagine this scenario. Your acquisition lead time is quickly slipping. Time is running short to develop your solicitation documents, which could jeopardize meeting the target project completion date. What do you do? It’s likely that you don’t start entirely from scratch on a completely blank page. Do you pull the lastRead… Read more »

An Eye on the Budget Talks – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: For the past few years federal budgeting has been all over the place. The roving numbers make it almost impossible to accurately forecast what the market will look like in the next year, let alone five years down the road. But the folks over at Tech America are experts in forecastingRead… Read more »