Yearly Archives: 2013

How GIS and Maps Improve Public Discourse

One of the technologies that is going to be shaping government drastically in the coming years is GIS. GIS holds the ability to extract knowledge from big data, leverage the cloud for efficiencies, improve communications with citizens and help drive improved decision making for organizations. We’ve written quite a bit about the power of GISRead… Read more »

Looking ahead at key challenges and opportunities for government

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. The Center for the Business of Government is pleased to release our latest view of key issues facing public sector leaders and stakeholders over the next several years: “Six Trends Driving Change in Government.” The Center’s newRead… Read more »

Is government headed towards a contracting slump?

For the past few years federal budgeting has been all over the place. The roving numbers make it almost impossible to accurately forecast what the market will look like in the next year, let alone five years down the road. But the folks over at Tech America are experts in forecasting and for the pastRead… Read more »

Massive geographical and cultural differences in online sharing

I recently saw a fascinating presentation from KPCB entitled ”Internet Trends 2013” where I came across the above chart from Ipsos OTX. It basically illustrates current comfort levels with “online sharing” across numerous countries around the world (note: I modified the chart by also highlighting Canada in red). Context The survey was published on MayRead… Read more »

The Power of Your Goals

Quote: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins One of my favorite motivational speakers is the late Zig Ziglar. When it came to the topic of goals, he flat out sold you on the concept. He said are you a “meaningful specific” or a “wandering generality?”Read… Read more »

Be Sure to Take Good Care of Your Health

Quote: “Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey Always take time to care for you. Having goals and being focused on getting paid more is great, but if you have bad health, it won’t mean much. Besides in order to get ahead and stay there you need to have good mental, emotional andRead… Read more »

Why NCDD is so great…

I’m feeling really grateful right now for this supportive network we’ve built up over the past 11 years, and all of the amazing people that make NCDD a special, one-of-a-kind community. I just realized we had SEVEN people renew their membership today and yesterday, and I wanted to give them a quick shout-out. Thank youRead… Read more »

Hacking Civic Engagement Through Design

It all started with a tweet: @sf311 GG Park sprinklers on full blast this AM; ground already soaked & mud starting from heavy fog – very wasteful, anything you can do? Earlier this year, in September, CfA’s Cyd Harrell gave a talk at TEDx Sacramento on hacking civic engagement through design. During her talk sheRead… Read more »