Yearly Archives: 2013

On My Watch, Leadership, Innovation, and Personal Resilience – Part One with Martha Johnson

There is such a good story surrounding GSA, it’s a story of innovation and stewardship for the government. I feel that story needs to be front and center for people. I feel even though I am no longer in a leadership position at GSA, it is still a good thing to do, to carry thatRead… Read more »

Civic Health Clubs and… the Revolution?

We are excited to share with you today an innovative project that is an interesting twist on connecting communities through shared conversations. The project is led by Evan Weissman, a teacher, actor, and civic entrepreneur who has been working for over a year now to found a “civic health club” in Denver, Colorado called WarmRead… Read more »

9 Pinterest Pointers for Organizations

Summary: If you’re contemplating establishing a Pinterest presence for your organization, or are just getting started, the nine pointers in this post will help you develop a plan for managing your engagement both initially and over time. These tips are primarily targeted to organizations that aren’t focused on individual consumers (i.e., BtoB enterprises, nonprofit organizations,Read… Read more »

Call for Papers – Project Management Symposium at the University of Maryland

Project Management Symposium An Entire Track Devoted to Government Project Management Save The Date! June 9-10, 2014 Student Stamp Union, University of Maryland Academically Rigorous and Practically Applied: For two days, join project managers from the Baltimore-Washington metro area and abroad for DC’s premier academic project management symposium. Share experiences, make connections, and learn theRead… Read more »

Here Is Your Government Contract

There are literally thousands of RFPs available at all government levels. Government contracts vary in award size and scope, but for many small to mid-size businesses looking to jump star or even create a nice financial cushion to withstand the ups and downs that happen throughout the year, even small contracts can be beneficial. HereRead… Read more »

Shutdown Ramifications (Part II): 3 Hidden Costs to Federal Workforce

Now that a semblance of normality has returned to Washington it’s time to ask an important question: What are the shutdown’s costs to the federal workforce? We know the tangible costs in terms of dollars. But what about the hidden costs which are more difficult to measure? In addition to lost economic productivity and America’sRead… Read more »

Before You Commemorate the Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, Ask Yourself These 5 Questions

October 28, 2013 satellite image of Hurricane Sandy taken from a NASA satellite Next week is the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. With all the hype around real-time marketing and newsjacking, community managers may find themselves compelled—by a client or colleague—to contribute to this news-driven conversation in social media. When brands do this, it can comeRead… Read more »

Government as a Social Machine featuring Professor Dame Wendy Hall

I blogged today from the Government as a Social Machine forum hosted by ANZSOG and featuring Professor Dame Wendy Hall from the University of Southampton in the UK. The discussion involved a diverse group of stakeholders from public and private sector organisations and covered the history of the internet and the challenges organisations, particularly governments,Read… Read more »

What’s Your Career Focus?

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” – Aristotle The Universal Law states, “What you focus on expands.” It’s simple. What you focus on determines what you’ll find in life. If you focus on the reasons why you will never be promoted, you will only find more andRead… Read more »