Yearly Archives: 2013

Monitor Your Thoughts for Optimal Success

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale Thoughts are things. Thoughts leads to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results. No thought lives in your head rent-free. Each thought you have will either be an asset or liability. It will either move you toward happiness and success orRead… Read more »

Do Not Hit The Car In Front Of You!

Often times the biggest problem with government bureaucracy is the inability to keep things simple. Something as simple as a street sign can be made a nightmare by some bureaucrat. Check out this school zone traffic sign as an example, which I wrote about in a previous post. Try to make sense when the speedRead… Read more »

GitHub launches portal illustrating examples of government-citizen collaboration on open data, open source and open government

In an exciting and useful development, GitHub, the world’s best known portal for collaborative software development, has launched a portal illustrating how governments and citizens have worked together to deliver better outcomes. Now live at the portal provides some great examples of GitHub projects that have saved government money and time and delivered betterRead… Read more »

What Is Your Money Blueprint?

“Money is only a tool. It will take you where you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” – Ayn Rand Are you set for success or struggle? Are you working hard for your money or is your money working hard for you? Are you programmed for saving money or for spendingRead… Read more »

NASA Takes in Ideas for Space Apps

NASA recently picked 770 proposals for space exploration hardware and applications from 9,147 participants in an April competition, GCN reported Wednesday. The space agency conducted the event across 48 countries for two days and developers built software, hardware, visualization, mobile applications and web tools, which the agency says will help further its existing programs, accordingRead… Read more »

Partnerships for Innovation: Private and Public Sector Collaboration at Google

As GovLoop has reported, customer service is essential to the agency of the future. Fortunately, advances in technology are allowing agencies to excel in delivering customer service. For example, social media allows customers to engage directly with organizations while analytics allows companies to learn how to serve their clients. In public and private agencies realRead… Read more »

Personal Goal and Thank You

Have finally reached a personal goal I set for myself when I retired from Active federal service (Dec 2011). I have managed to collect 100,000 “govloop points”, Doubt seriously that it will make much difference to the number of people who follow me, doubt that there will be a great deal of change in myRead… Read more »

Governance: Strategies to think about

Governance has always been sort of a hot button issue. Now more than ever organizations are really trying to figure out how to get the right mix of governance that enables them to have repeatable processes to understand what’s working, what’s not, and drive repeatable performance. I’ve always believed that good governance starts with anRead… Read more »

TechAmerica Unveils Six-Year Federal IT Spend Forecast

The TechAmerica Foundation forecasts federal agencies will spend $70 billion per year on known and unclassified information technology by fiscal year 2019, FierceGovernment IT reported Tuesday. David Perera writes the findings are measured in constant dollars, with civilian IT spending projected to reach $38.3 billion for fiscal 2014 and $39 billion in constant dollars forRead… Read more »

Supporting Collaboration Across the Intelligence Community

SIGNAL Magazine, an AFCEA publication exploring trends and techniques in defense, intelligence and global security technology, wrote an excellent article discussing how Basis Technology’s HIGHLIGHT software is helping the Intelligence Community (IC) put names in standard spelling so they are easier to find and connect. What struck me was the the notion of how importantRead… Read more »