Yearly Archives: 2013

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

There was no budget or debt deal made in Washington last week, but that didn’t stop the market from reacting to the rumors. For those who like volatility, it was a week of big swings. Stocks were down sharply on Monday and Tuesday, stabilized on Wednesday with a positive reversal day, then they soared onRead… Read more »

IPSI – Public Works Management Training that Works!

I just returned from spending a week at the Illinois Public Service Institute – “a three-year training program which provides instruction expressly designed for public service professionals.” Since this is my second year of the three-year program, I thought it would be a good time to share my experiences with others who might be consideringRead… Read more »

“Essential,” Lee. That’s Not The Question.

The question isn’t about whether individuals are “essential” or not. The question behind the shutdown is about whether the government has the legal right to spend money. It isn’t a mistake that our government has fumbled the right to spend money. It isn’t trivial that our government can’t agree with one another enough to setRead… Read more »

The Power of a Performance Requirements Summary for Acquisition Success

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. In our resource guide titled, “Addressing the Complex Challenges Facing Today’s Acquisition Professional,” one of the critical success factorsRead… Read more »

Friday Photo: Barcelona Edition

Barcelona on 14th St NW in Washington, DC. Always bring your camera with you all the time. Walking home down 14th St, I stopped to take pictures of Barcelona, a new restaurant with a great outdoor patio. I thought it was fascinating – the space used to house a gym. Where the patio exists usedRead… Read more »

L-Podcast Episode 005 – Charles Surpitski, Chairman of the Board of Selectman for the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts

Welcome to the continuing series of discussions with thought leaders who are bringing new and innovative solutions to the challenges government faces in delivering services to the citizen. +++++++ My guest for this episode is Chairman of the Board of Selectman for the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts, Charles Surpitski. Mr. Surpitski and I discuss aRead… Read more »

Friday Flash, 10.11.13

Legal Corner Another Possible Blow for Contractors – -Implications of the Failure to Raise the Debt Ceiling By: Elizabeth Ferrell, Partner, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, Thomas Lemmer, Partner, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, and Tyson Bareis, Associate, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP With the recent shutdown caused by failure to enact a Continuing ResolutionRead… Read more »

How does the game theory apply to the shutdown?

“Some portray it as a Manichean struggle between good and evil. Warren Buffett says it’s “extreme idiocy.” I’d like to recommend another way of looking at the government shutdown and the looming battle over the debt ceiling in Washington. It’s a game, played by flawed-but-not-crazy human beings under confusing circumstances. In other words, it’s anRead… Read more »