Yearly Archives: 2013

Don’t Leave the Subject Line Until the Last Minute

Some people may view email as the least creative form of marketing, but the fact is, it rules as one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to get your message out. You may spend hours or days crafting the core content of your message, with the subject line left as an afterthought. However, manyRead… Read more »

Four Elements That Promote Effective Coordination

The successes and failures of U.S civil-military. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan serve as the basis for lessons learned in creating effective interagency coordination. “Interagency coordination is an essential ele­ment of effective public leadership,” writes Dr. Andrea Strimling Yodsampa in a new report for the IBM Center on effective practices for interagency coordination, using U.S. civil-militaryRead… Read more »

Healthy Democracy Wins IAP2′s 2013 Project of the Year

We hope you will join us in extending a huge congratulations to our friends at Healthy Democracy, who were just awarded with the IAP2 2013 International Project of the Year Award for their Citizens’ Initiative Review project, which we recently highlighted on our blog. Both Healthy Democracy and the International Association for Public Participation areRead… Read more »

Federal CFOs: Something’s Gotta Give

Continuing to provide adequate services in the face of unprecedented across-the-board cuts; a declining, dispirited workforce; and growing financial and other management requirements is the top concern of Federal Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), according to the 18th annual federal CFO Survey conducted by the Association of Government Accountants (AGA) in partnership with Grant Thornton LLP.Read… Read more »

Position Yourself for Tomorrow

Quote: “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” – James Allen Have you ever watched a television doctor show and the doctors are frantically trying to save someone only to have the person die and flat line. Yes, me too. It’s sad. What’s evenRead… Read more »

Dharmishta Rood: Why I’m Coding for America

When I was in college I wanted to be a fashion designer. Or perhaps I was a fashion designer, insofar as any 19-year-old with a sewing machine on her kitchen table and a screen-printing studio in her garage is a fashion designer. I was fascinated with the way clothes made people feel, akin to theRead… Read more »

This is the time to jump on the gravy train and find your way into public sector, our Congress just lost 8 of its members.

By SEUNG MIN KIM | 10/8/13 4:22 PM EDT Updated: 10/8/13 9:56 PM EDT Read more: SEUNG MIN KIM | 10/8/13 4:22 PM EDT Updated: 10/8/13 9:56 PM EDT Read more:

Online challenges arrive in Australian government

With psychedelic splendour, the ACT government has become the first Australian jurisdiction to launch a serious whole-of-government online challenges site. Through the Digital Canberra Challenge website, the ACT is now asking “Canberra’s brightest minds” to help improve government services. The first round contains two challenges, to improve the process of event approvals and to makeRead… Read more »

The Guru Problem

Years back, I had the good fortune to talk with David Gilmour, back when he was deeply involved in the Tacit Knowledge System. The software, since absorbed and disappeared by Oracle (hoping my Oracle friends can correct me here), simply allowed you to find expertise. You ask a question, and the system decided who couldRead… Read more »

Worldwide Cyber Attacks

The Government Security News published an article titled: “German Telecom Company Provides Real-Time map of Cyber-attacks”. If it is credible, and at this point I have no reason to doubt its credibility, it is a fascinating bit of technology. Deutsche Telekom (the folks behind T-Mobile) indicates that there are about 450,000 cyber-attacks worldwide per day.Read… Read more »