Yearly Archives: 2013

National Cyber Security Awareness Month Kick Off With Theme of “Shared Responsibility”

Posted from Federal Blue Print – This month the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) kicks off the 10th anniversary of its National Cyber Security Awareness Month, which is lead by NCSA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This year’s theme is “Our Shared Responsibility,” and today the NCSA is hosting an event atRead… Read more »

Air Force to Hold $2B Sensor Systems Competition

The U.S. Air Force is planning to launch a new potential seven-year, $2 billion sensor systems contract and make up to six awards, the Washington Post reported Sunday. Marjorie Censer writes the Sustainment and Modification of Optical and Radar Sensors program has drawn interest from more than 400 Deltek users. Heath Studer, a Deltek analyst,Read… Read more »

Conferences were next to impossible before the shutdown…now?

Getting approval to attend government conferences was a harrowing experience before the shutdown. Travel restrictions, budget cuts and management approval made it very difficult to attend any government conference, let alone conferences out of town. But now the government shutdown is going to make attending conferences even more difficult. Joyce Bosc is the President ofRead… Read more »

NASA Mars Exploration Mission Still Go for Launch Despite Shutdown

NASA has granted an emergency exemption for a University of Colorado program to examine Mars’ atmosphere to avoid delaying the project until 2016, according to a report by the Daily Camera. The $485 million Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution spacecraft will launch between Nov. 18 and Dec. 7 because the Earth and Mars are inRead… Read more »

Joan Blades Interview from NCDD Seattle

At the 2012 NCDD national conference in Seattle, NCDD member and filmmaker Jeffrey Abelson sat down with over a dozen leaders in our community to ask them about their work and their hopes and concerns for our field and for democratic governance in our country. Today we’re featuring the interview with Joan Blades, who isRead… Read more »

What’s Your Competitive Advantage?

Quote: “One’s only security in life comes from doing something uncommonly well.” – Abraham Lincoln In the corporate world, competitive advantage is defined as an area of excellence that gives a company a distinct edge over its competition. What is your personal competitive advantage in the work world? What do you absolutely excel at thatRead… Read more »

Best Audio Clips from NCDD 2012 Seattle

During the 2012 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation in Seattle, longtime NCDD member and supporter, John Spady (currently heading up the National Dialogue Network), spent a considerable amount of time capturing audio (and some video, as well). I reached out to him recently asking, of all the audio he captured at the event, whatRead… Read more »

Project Template

Do you keep templates for improving your next project? I build organizations, teams, destinations on the internet, and publications, and for each project, I have one or several Benefits of Hindsight Templates. With a nod to Professor Keith, I wanta know now what I shoulda known then… I was talking with Jack about a professionalRead… Read more »