Yearly Archives: 2014

You’re Probably Not the Audience

I’ve been reflecting on the number of comments and decisions I’ve witnessed lately where people have decided that a particular online approach, website design, engagement channel, interface design, fact sheet or other design or content is no good as it didn’t appeal personally to them. There’s definitely a tendency in our society for individuals toRead… Read more »

Free Social Media Management Tools and Why You Should Use Them

I think most of us by now have jumped on the Hootsuite train. It’s, arguably, the most robust and affordable social media management tool on the market. The following tools can be used in addition to an all-in-one platform like Hootsuite to fill in the gaps. Have any other free tools to add to theRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Weekly Wrap Up

Volatility kicked in some this week as we saw back to back 1% moves in the S&P 500 after not having one for over 60 days. Apparently the geopolitical events that scared the market on Thursday was an overreaction and the buyers came back with a vengeance on Friday. The S&P 500 is back nearRead… Read more »

The Fixie Federal IT Paradigm

i owned and rode my first fixed gear bike in the winter of 1985. i was a member of my high school cycling team back then in Fall River (pronounced fall reeva) MA. Winters in southeastern new england are a little harsh; there is a good mix of snow, freezing rain storms, no’-easters coming inRead… Read more »

Operating Your Organization Like a Democracy

Young Government Leaders (YGL) and GovLoop present the NextGen Public Service Awards for superior public service and achievement. The 4th Annual NextGen Public Service Awards will be given at the 2014 NextGen Award’s Ceremony, which will kick off the NextGen Training Summit on July 23rd in Washington, DC. We have 18 finalists in six differentRead… Read more »

Locally Centralising the Centrally Local

Seen from a certain distance, local government looks untidy and inefficient. The same functions are replicated hundreds of times over. There is limited scale efficiency of operations. Boundaries create anomalies and inconsistencies. So it must make sense to join it all up, to standardise, to have common platforms and common tools. The counter-argument is thatRead… Read more »

To Trust – or Not

“Trust but verify” was President Ronald Reagan’s mantra during the Cold War. But today, “trust” is a key element to creating effective cross-agency networks to get things done. But what, exactly, is “trust,” and how do you know what to look for? Increasingly, addressing public management challenges requires the use of collaborative networks across aRead… Read more »

3 Tips for Presenting Analysis

This past week I was able to attend a Management Concepts training offered by my Agency focused on presenting data analysis. This was a great three day training that if you ever have the opportunity to take I highly recommend. But as I know training dollars can be thin, I’m going to share some ofRead… Read more »