Yearly Archives: 2014

Who Will Be the Next “Mayor of the Pentagon?”

The selection of the next Secretary of Defense is in the headlines. But there’s a new senior-level Defense position that will be important in coming years, and who is appointed will matter. Years ago, career executive David O. “Doc” Cooke was informally called the “Mayor of the Pentagon.” He was responsible for the internal administrationRead… Read more »

The Value “Social Capital” Has On Your Organization

Let’s think a bit about social capital, and what it might mean for your organization. Per Wikipedia[1]: In sociology, social capital is the expected collective or economic benefits derived from the preferential treatment and cooperation between individuals and groups. Although different social sciences emphasize different aspects of social capital, they tend to share the coreRead… Read more »

Talent Analytics – Make that Move

HR leaders and their HR teams throughout federal agencies can presumably feel the groundswell of talent analytics all around them. Industry analysts, press and vendors are all declaring the importance of big data and how it relates to talent analytics. Forward-thinking government leaders are asking more questions and providing more directives about the analysis ofRead… Read more »

Privacy, Shmivacy

My childhood was a Seinfeld script. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong.” “Something’s wrong, I can tell.” “No, nothing.” “You’re being evasive. She’s being evasive.” “Really, I’m fine.” “Look at her, she’s like a ghost. Did somebody at school say something to you?” “Look, I don’t want to talk about it.” “A-ha! So something did happen.” “Please, just let me be. I wantRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks opened lower on Monday last week but quickly stabilized, and the indices spent the rest of the week recovering with some eventually making new highs. The November jobs report came in better than expected on Friday with 321,000 new jobs being added and that temporarily propelled the market higher, but it faded during theRead… Read more »