Yearly Archives: 2014

Managing Security in a Dynamic Threat Environment

Government needs to become more agile and efficient in the way it combats cyberthreats. Explore our latest guide on the Continuous Diagnostic and Mitigation (CDM) program to learn how. The Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program is poised to transform how government combats cyberthreats. We spoke with Robert Roy, CISSP, CEH, Federal Chief Technology Officer,Read… Read more »

The Perks of Being a Government Employee

Government employees have faced a number of “downers” in recent years: sequestration and budget cuts, furloughs, and pay freezes, just to name a few. Federal employees hired today are required to contribute a greater proportion of their salaries to their pensions than those hired just a few years ago. Travel budgets have been cut downRead… Read more »

The Importance for Government of Respecting Open Source and Open Data Copyrights

An interesting situation has arisen in Italy, with the country’s Agenzia delle Entrate, the Italian revenue service and taxation authority, accused of copying OpenStreetMap without respecting the site’s copyright license. As documented on the Open Street Maps discussion list, Italy’s OpenStreetMap community discovered a little over three months ago that the maps used by theRead… Read more »

Transitmix: Design Your Perfect Bus System

On June 19th at BETA, we had the pleasure of launching the public beta of Transitmix, a sketching tool for transit planners (both professional and armchair) to quickly design routes and share with the public. Transitmix is a cross-team, collaborative project that has received contributions from eight 2014 Fellows from seven different city teams.* ItRead… Read more »

Let the NSA Do Job of Protecting USA

There is arguably no greater responsibility for the federal government than protecting the safety of Americans in general and the homeland in particular. But don’t tell that to the multitude of vociferous critics of the National Security Agency. On Sunday, the latest sensational article about the NSA appeared on the front page of the WashingtonRead… Read more »

Strategizing for NASA, Part 2: Disney and the Resources Based View

Disney and a Resources Based View (RBV) analysis illustrate the conditions under which organization-specific resources provide a sustained competitive advantage. Specifically, Disney through its beloved character Mickey Mouse shows that an organization can sustain a competitive advantage if it has available to it resources that are inimitable (unique), durable, appropriated to where the organization capturesRead… Read more »

Harnessing the Power of Big Data [New Report]

Big data has revolutionized the way government agencies store, manage and collect data. Agencies can no longer rely on stable and structured data as a means to meet mission need. The way citizens engage with government has evolved, and the kinds of data processing services available have changed. Today, agencies must be able to quicklyRead… Read more »

If You Build It, They Still Won’t Read Their Email

Last month, Christine Steger posed an interesting question in the e-Learning group. In her post. “Communications and Change Management Plan for Transitioning to eLearning,” Christine reveals that she’s in charge of developing a Communication and Change Management (CM) Plan. I was struck by just how forward-looking this project is to include this kind of plan.Read… Read more »

100,000 + VA Electronic Disability Claims Not Processed – Plus Gov’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Do you ever wish you had a real-life Easy-Button at your command? Not just for the typical Staples situations like buying a laptop, filling an ink cartridge, or stocking up on office supplies — but for real life situations. Many Americans’ expectation of government process is fairly low due to longRead… Read more »

Federal Government Talent Acquisition — Streamlining the Process

Like many (some would say most or all) aspects of the United States Federal government, human capital management can prove to be more complex and more difficult to change for an agency than that of the private sector. Budget constraints, ingrained and inflexible procedures, limited staffing, complicated application processes, government regulations and hiring requirements, andRead… Read more »