Yearly Archives: 2014

Driving Government Services via Customer Needs

What drives you? We all have different things that motivate us to work hard. Whether this stems from the inspiration you get from your kids or from a childhood goal you set at the age of ten, we all are driven by different motivations. Our passions are our fuel, and without them, we feel restlessRead… Read more »

8 Tips for Networking

At GovLoop, we are pretty lucky. We get to talk to govies everyday who are passionate about what they do and the people they serve. Especially at our events and trainings, the excitement and dedication we experience in our GovLoop community is contagious. These people make us want to talk to them, learn from them, andRead… Read more »

3 Ways to Make Better Cloud Decisions

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop resource: Your Guide to Using Everything-as-a-Service. In the guide, we explore how agencies can maximize the benefits of cloud technology by creating a holistic everything-as-a-service (XaaS) strategy. Before acquiring cloud technology, rigorous scrutiny is required to ensure the proposed solution is actually the best fitRead… Read more »


Don’t know the acronym?  I’m betting you’ve used the phrase at some point in your life during a vent.  I don’t think I’ve used it when talking to the person I want to say it to, but generally when describing the conversation later or simply rehashing it in my own mind.  For example – Co-worker isRead… Read more »

Teeter-Tottering Between Mobile Security and Innovation

Most playgrounds have some equipment in common: swings, monkey bars, a teeter-totter. I loved teeter-tottering, and every time I’d fly up to the sky, adrenaline would build until I’d fall back to the ground. And reaching that balance point with my teeter-totter partner was the biggest challenge. Finding balance is an important life skill, andRead… Read more »