Yearly Archives: 2014

Planning for the 2020 Census

Photo Credit: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Information Office Although the 2020 Census is about 6 years away, preparations are well underway. The Census Bureau has designated today as Census Day 2014, as the Bureau is conducting its first significant test of the methods and technologies it’s considering for the 2020 Census. We have often reportedRead… Read more »

President Obama Nominates Bob McDonald Secretary of the VA President Barack Obama will nominate Bob McDonald as the new Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Mr. McDonald is the former CEO of Procter and Gamble and a Vet. He is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and served in the Army for five years. Mr. McDonald isRead… Read more »

3 Rules for Gov Communicators to Master Media Relations (Part II)

Fostering effective media relations can be a challenging endeavor for anyone, including public sector communicators. This is due, in large part, to a history of adversarial relations between government and the so-called Fourth Estate. Thus it’s essential for government communicators to break down this firewall and build bridges instead. With this in mind, you shouldRead… Read more »

Unlocking Budget Data in Australia: the BudgetAus Collaboration

Republished with permission from the International Budget Partnership blog This post was written by Rosie Williams of InfoAus. Unlocking Budget Data in Australia: the BudgetAus Collaboration Budget transparency in Australia has recently taken a big step forward with the first ever release of federal budget data in machine readable format. Prior to this year, budgetRead… Read more »

Rudder Check – Engage and Educate New Team Members to Stay On Course

By Mike Bajit, PMP You’ve won the contract! You’ve hired the team, but they can’t start work at the same time due to delays with the suitability process. You must execute the requirements of the contract with only a portion of your staff, while providing an orientation to the work and some on-the-job training. YouRead… Read more »

Disrupting Inequality: Design Thinking for Upward Mobility

Last week, we celebrated the launch of Living Cities’ latest interactive annual report Disrupting Inequality: Living Cities’ Perspective in 2013. Living Cities is an innovative collaboration among 22 foundations and financial institutions committed to improving the lives of low-income people and the cities where they live. This year, the Living Cities report is focused onRead… Read more »

Clouds Over King County, Washington

It looks like there are clouds moving into King County, Washington. And while clouds normally mean rain in the Pacific Northwest, in this case we’re talking about a major organizational and technological change. King County, home of Seattle, is the largest county in the state of Washington and home to tech giants Microsoft and Amazon.Read… Read more »

Challenges facing the Department of Veterans Affairs – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It’s difficult to find that sweet spot between doing what you love and getting paid well to do it. We talk with one Sammies finalist from the SEC who is doing just that. We find out her secret. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights atRead… Read more »