Yearly Archives: 2014

5 Ways to Hold Better, More Effective Meetings

I have something to admit: I love a good meeting. Getting people face-to-face can bring out some great ideas and create new ways to address problems in a collaborative environment. Meetings can inspire and invigorate you. But nothing is worse than a pointless meeting. Unfortunately, I attend a lot of those too. Meetings serve aRead… Read more »

Australia Leaps to 2nd Place in the United Nations eGovernment Study

The United Nations defines e-Government as “the use and application of information technologies in public administration to streamline and integrate workflows and processes, to effectively manage data and information, enhance public service delivery, as well as expand communication channels for engagement and empowerment of people.” In brief – it’s about using IT strategically and tacticallyRead… Read more »

Australia leaps to 2nd place in the United Nations eGovernment Study

The United Nations defines e-Government as “the use and application of information technologies in public administration to streamline and integrate workflows and processes, to effectively manage data and information, enhance public service delivery, as well as expand communication channels for engagement and empowerment of people.” In brief – it’s about using IT strategically and tacticallyRead… Read more »

Houston, I Think We Have A Problem! The Inherent Dilemmas of a Schedule “A” Appointee On May 15, 2014, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC/Commission) published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register (79 Fed.Reg. 27,824-27,826). The Notice was titled “The Federal Sector’s Obligation To Be A Model Employer of Individuals with Disabilities.” The EEOC is seeking public comment on how to implement the federalRead… Read more »

Pen to Pad: Effective Web Writing

The web is an integral part of our daily lives. We seek out topics of interest on our favorite web sites because it is presented in a user-friendly, readable format. However, when we are charged with developing engaging web content, sometimes we get “writer’s block” which will prevent great ideas from gaining traction. Another majorRead… Read more »

A Little-Know Opportunity Can Increase Your Retirement Income The Voluntary Contribution Program In my research I have heard the Voluntary Contribution Program (VCP) described as: “The Best Kept Secret in CSRS”, “The hidden Treasure That No One Seems to Find” and “A Golden Opportunity to Create Tax Free Income”. There is but one group of people in the United States that hasRead… Read more »

Older People and Work Do older people work to survive or because they want to stay in the game? I believe the answer is YES to both. In our society we segment people often without giving it much thought. There are older people in the Congress, even in the White House just moments away from the most powerfulRead… Read more »

Social Security – Now Or Later There was a candy years ago called Now-Later. I believe it was called Now-Later because if you chewed it now, it lasted so long you would still have it for later. Well, when it comes to when to collect Social Security benefits I am not so sure if the Now-Later theory actually works orRead… Read more »

Applying For Benefits – When A Federal Employee Dies When a federal employee dies family members or representatives must apply for benefits. Benefits are not automatically distributed. The forms differ depending on the retirement system your deceased family member was a part of. Standard Form (SF) 2800 is used for those individuals who were covered under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). StandardRead… Read more »

Death and Former Spouses You might say what does a former spouse have to do with the business of the deceased federal employee. You might be surprised under certain circumstances, that the former spouse may have more to do with the business than you can imagine. Actually the Basic Employee Death Benefit (BEDB) may be payable to theRead… Read more »