Yearly Archives: 2014

Stop Wasting Years of Your Life, Social Media Strategists

This article originally appeared in PR Daily. If you work in the marketing industry (“social media” is not an industry), you’ve probably either read or heard about this anonymous piece in Digiday and either scoffed at or empathized with the author’s plight. If you haven’t, here are two of the most resonant points: I satRead… Read more »

The Connection Between Engaged Citizens and Citizen Behavior

At every level of government, citizens are working to learn more and connect, share their ideas, effect change, and improve services. And despite this growing trend of moving all conversations online, there are many government entities that are hesitant to formally endorse or launch this kind of dialogue. Common questions include: “what if the dialogueRead… Read more »

Futball!!!! Kidding: CBG Round-up, 06.13.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Open data can save your life. Really. Alex Howard has the “backstory of the openFDA platform, which gives the public access to adverse drug event reports.” He writes that “[t]he FDA’s open data initiative will add APIs for product recalls and product labels soon. ” Related: re/code writes that “The Cure for HealthRead… Read more »

Environmental Challenges and Opportunities in the Arctic Get Federal Attention

A warming climate is changing the Arctic’s environment. The decline in summer sea ice, which reached its lowest point on record in 2012, has made some Arctic waters navigable for longer periods of time. Excerpted from GAO-14-435. To interact with this graphic, download the full report. We recently issued two reports on implications of theseRead… Read more »

Career Conversations for Improved Employee Engagement

“Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go” I attended a webinar a few weeks ago that was based on the book, “Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go,” by Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni. The webinar and book talk about the critical role that supervisors play in employee engagement and development. The webinar madeRead… Read more »

The Art of Receiving a Reply

“No” is often not the worst answer. No reply is the absolute pits. It leaves the asker hanging and sometimes unable to determine and/or implement an alternative plan. Yet this phenomenon plagues an increasing number of people in today’s world. Are too many people adrift in a Kafkaesque combination of a messy e-mail inbox and/orRead… Read more »

Cloud Innovations in Higher Education [INFOGRAPHIC]

With the advancement of technology, Cloud computing has become a huge driving force for the enterprise and public sector in recent years. Inevitably, colleges and higher education institutions have also started to make use of the technology. So much in fact, that 55% of higher education IT administrators and professionals have said that the cloudRead… Read more »

What Does Cantor’s Primary Defeat Mean for You – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Could the budget process get easier with performance information? Yes! We get details from John Whitley, Senior Fellow with the Institute for Defense Analysis. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But up front: What does Cantor’s primary defeat mean for you Big changesRead… Read more »

Harnessing Evidence and Evaluation: Insights from Kathy Stack, Advisor, Evidence-Based Innovation, Office of Management and Budget

In a climate of fiscal austerity, it is far better to cut programs with minimal impact and improve existing programs, based on evidence from high-quality program evaluations. What is program evaluation? How can evidence and rigorous evaluation be best integrated into decision-making? Kathy Stack, Advisor for Evidence-Based Innovation, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sharesRead… Read more »