Yearly Archives: 2014

Systems Thinking Certification 2nd Segment Striving for Better Understanding

The second segment on the STIA Systems Thinking Certification course is titled Systems Thinking. The first, Web of Wonder, gave a general introduction to systems, some of their overall characteristics, described properties of what was termed ‘elements’ or what other have referred to as ‘stuff’ making up the systems, and means as to how systemsRead… Read more »

The Multiple Award Double-Standard, Part II

For this week’s comment I wanted to share with you my latest blog post that was first published on the Federal Times’ Acquisition Blog ( on May 16, 2014. The Multiple Award Double-Standard, Part II April’s blog focused on the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy’s (DPAP’s) double standard regarding the treatment of orders under theRead… Read more »

10 Steps to Create More Resilient Communities

Often when we think about government, we think of a slow, bureaucratic system that cannot adopt quickly to change. But many government organizations have fought through these stereotypes and transformed their agencies into lean and agile institutions, able to meet the complex demands of public sector service delivery. How? Transformative organizations understand that the keyRead… Read more »

Last month to apply for the Innovations in American Government Award!

Do you have a creative and effective government program or initiative, or know of one that deserves recognition? If so, there is still time to submit an application for the Innovations in American Government Award. Administered by the Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School, the Award is given to programs that serve as examples ofRead… Read more »

Innovations that Matter: The Future of Public Sector IT Consumption [New GovLoop Guide]

It’s hard to believe that, just a few years ago, most government employees could only access email from their primary desktop computers. Even those with the ability to access their enterprise e-mail accounts from other devices could only view new messages; archives were stored locally on their desktops. Now it is possible to check emailRead… Read more »

Resilient Communities, Efficient Governments: Tools for Today and Tomorrow

Natural disasters. Budget crises. Significant technological failures. In today’s interconnected world, a single disruptive event can have negative repercussions on a community long after the initial impact. This makes the imperative for a swift recovery a priority for state and local government. The ultimate goal is to make the community resilient to such events; itRead… Read more »

Government Websites: Three Things the UK Does Well set an example and others followed In 2012, the Government Digital Service team launched a new home for the Cabinet of the United Kingdom replacing two sites: directgov and business link, and it was truly simple. No unnecessary imagery, homepage flashiness or marketing ploys. On, you find information related to government services, andRead… Read more »

Constitutional Amendment for Campaign Finance Reform?

We are happy to share the announcement below from NCDD organizational member and NCDD Catalyst Award winner John Spady of the National Dialogue Network. John’s announcement came via our great Submit-to-Blog Form. Do you have news you want to share with the NCDD network? Just click here to submit your news post for the NCDDRead… Read more »