Yearly Archives: 2014

Change Agents, Don’t Be Fooled

“You will always be on the margins because all you have are these idealistic notions that don’t apply.”  That’s the fictional CEO in Amazon’s Enlightened, chewing out whistleblower Amy, played by Laura Dern. “Well if caring about something other than money is dopey, I’m a fuckin’ moron.” Amy started the series as an angry, ruthless career-climber. SheRead… Read more »

Revenge of the Socially Awkward

“Let’s begin the staff meeting, all right?” Everybody rustles to their seats. “How you doing Joe? How was your weekend?” “Good. We caught the football game. What a killer.” I do not like, watch or endorse football and am praying this does not devolve into a discussion. On my left Mary whispers, “Pass me aRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Some late selling on Friday and the historically bullish trading day after Thanksgiving turned into a disappointment for the bulls. For the week stocks were up slightly with the I-fund leading the way for the TSP stock funds, and bonds (F-fund) came to life to lead all of the TSP funds with a 0.56% gainRead… Read more »

Say Less – Earn More

“That’s great! Have a good night!” That is me, tiptoeing backwards. Because the other person won’t stop speaking. Sure, there’s a technique for handling this. But unfortunately not one that I ever mastered. “Did you say goodbye? I have a great story about goodbyes.” Oh no. Oh no. “Hang on just a second, I’ll walkRead… Read more »

Next Steps in MoneyBall Government

Hope springs eternal! Two recent reports, a new book, and a newly introduced bill in Congress all contribute to a steady momentum toward evidence-based decision making. The legislation, which is bipartisan and bicameral, could have some momentum in the waning days of a lame duck Congress. It would create a commission to strengthen the useRead… Read more »

Follow The New IP Part II: Adopting Software-Based IT Infrastructure

In our last post we introduced the concept of the New IP – the software-centric, open IT environment designed to support federal tech priorities like mobility and the cloud. Over a series of Federal Insights posts, we are putting together a checklist to help agencies make the shift to the New IP. Demanding open standards from technologyRead… Read more »

Let’s Convert Lessons Observed into Lessons Learned

There’s a strong desire in the Federal Government to not only find innovative technologies – but to find innovative technology companies not presently doing business with the Federal Government. The Administration signaled the desire to find them and agencies, everywhere, are on the hunt. DC echoes with conversations about how to conduct market research toRead… Read more »

Keeping It Not So Real At Work

When the late rhythm and blues and soul singer, Percy Sledge released his top 100 hit in 1967 entitled “Cover Me,” I doubt he ever realized that the verb in the title of this song would have workplace implications. The Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion released a report a year ago that indicates workersRead… Read more »

Tell It To Me Like I’m Stupid

“OK, let’s get him on the phone.” That’s radio talk show host Kane. It’s the 99.5 FM radio segment “War of the Roses,” it plays around 8 a.m. on weekdays, and it’s really fun to listen to him and Intern John catch cheaters in the act. In the script, Kane plays a guy who ownsRead… Read more »