Yearly Archives: 2014

Change Takes Time

When someone sends you important mail, you probably expect to receive it in your mailbox at home. For Mike, who’s homeless, mail is a little more complicated. To receive his mail, his caseworker Candace explored three shopping centers, two river banks, and a few other spots he hangs out at, looking for his signature turquoiseRead… Read more »

Enterprise Content Management and the Cloud: IDC White Paper

Cloud computing has revolutionized an organizations’ ability to improve service delivery. With additional technologies like mobile and enterprise content management (ECM) systems, agencies now have a powerful technology arsenal to innovate and excel in today’s growing digital economy. The recent increase in cloud computing adoption brings with it a shared interest in enterprise content managementRead… Read more »

Could it ever happen in Australia? 2nd annual Civic Hackathon in the White House

One of the starkest differences between Australia and the US’s Government 2.0 movements is the mandate and level of support provided officially by our most influential elected officials. In the US Government 2.0 has been championed both by the President and by leading politicians on both sides of their political divide. Regardless of ideology thereRead… Read more »

We Owe It to Our Interns (And Ourselves)

I still remember looking longingly at the Safeway “Help Wanted” ads offering $9/hour to bag groceries while I slogged away at yet another unpaid government internship. Like most other DC-based grad students, I regarded unpaid internships as a rite of passage. Yet the trade-off — a rich, rewarding internship experience — was not always partRead… Read more »

10 Actions You Should Take Now to Be a Successful Leader

You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all yourself. — Sam Levinson I’ve interviewed over 450 government and contractor managers over the last fifteen years as part of a business growth assessment process. Besides getting to know a lot of sincere dedicated individuals, I’ve beenRead… Read more »

Gender Imbalance and Leadership: Why it Matters

If you looked at your workforce, would you see more men than women? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. According to a recent article by Harvard Business Review, women outnumber men in law firms, with a 60/40 ratio. With more women than men graduating from college these days, it’s a trend that may soonRead… Read more »

Web of Wonder Getting Deep into ST – Systems Thinking Certification

I am currently participating in the STIA (Systems Thinking in Action) Online Certification Program, guided by Gene Bellinger, most recently cited in, “How Do I Make Use of this Systems Thinking Stuff?” in Creating New Community Paradigms”. The platform for the lessons is Kumu, a web-based data visualization tool. I to write about what IRead… Read more »

The Changing Government Office Portent Broader Changes – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Target hack has IT folks spooked. But what can and should be done? We talked with the new head of ISC2 Dan Waddell. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But up front: The changing government office portent broader changes? The workplace isRead… Read more »

What Keeps CLOs Up at Night?

Why is this important? The best organizations have high performing learning and development (L&D) departments. There is a direct correlation between organizations that are successful and how much value they place on L&D. Many organizations are struggling with finding the right people to fill technical jobs due to the shortage of skilled workers to fillRead… Read more »

Lean Scope Project Management: The Video Briefing

Over 700 project managers from around the world were briefed on Lean Scope Project Management. You can view a version of that briefing at Lean Scope Project Management combines human-centered design, the lean startup method, and agile project management to help you design and deliver highly-innovative projects with greater stakeholder buy-in and collaboration. TheRead… Read more »