Yearly Archives: 2014

Anatomy of Book Content: Focus on Back Matter — Print and eBooks

ANATOMY OF BOOK CONTENT: FOCUS ON BACK MATTER –Print and eBooks With the formatting of eBooks, many back cover elements are missing when compared to traditional print paperback and hardcover books with jackets. . Some of these areas include jacket copy where a publisher would provide a description “About the Author” to establish the personRead… Read more »

How to Avoid a Target-Like Hack

On December 18th, 2013, the public was informed about one of the biggest data thefts in history; nearly one-third of American consumers were in jeopardy of their information becoming compromised via a massive Target hack. As more information unfolded, it became clear that Target was both the victim and the culprit. Evidently, hackers had begunRead… Read more »

Accelerating State Financial Transparency – 11 Steps To Take Right Now

We know that government is slow to adopt new technologies and change. But the technologies now exist to provide you as a constituent or as a state leader with the ability to see where state dollars are being spent and what results are being achieved virtually in real-time. It is now only a question ofRead… Read more »

How to respond when rumours start to spread on Facebook

‘Rumour Cascades‘, a joint study from Stanford University and Facebook, provides some fascinating insights that can serve as advice for public bodies on halting the spread of misinformation. This was first published on the Guardian website in mid May. A new study, jointly conducted by Facebook and Stanford University, has shed new light on howRead… Read more »

Ainsley Wagoner: Why I’m Coding for America

I’m Coding for America because I believe in complex problem solving. I believe in design thinking. I believe in incorporating user feedback, research, and rapid prototyping into important decision making processes as a way to bring about real improvement. Not just change for the sake of change– an improved and sustainable model for meeting theRead… Read more »

How to do Citizen Engagement Right: The Power of Email

Oftentimes, the success of a public program depends on your ability to engage the citizenry. For example, you might need to work with coastal residents to prepare for potential flood hazards. Or you might need citizen input on a local development initiative. You might even need the public’s help in reporting crime. However, successfully engagingRead… Read more »

7 Pieces of Citizen Engagement Advice from the Frontlines

Who better to dole out advice about how to truly engage in citizen engagement and its new trends than those who do it every day? Below are seven tips from our Citizen Engagement guide and GovLoop survey respondents about what’s really important when you create citizen engagement, based on their experiences. Want more of theRead… Read more »