Yearly Archives: 2014

How to do Citizen Engagement Right: The Power of Email

Oftentimes, the success of a public program depends on your ability to engage the citizenry. For example, you might need to work with coastal residents to prepare for potential flood hazards. Or you might need citizen input on a local development initiative. You might even need the public’s help in reporting crime. However, successfully engagingRead… Read more »

A Hidden Benefit of Cooperative Purchasing

There has been a lot of discussion about how cooperative purchasing and co-ops help the public sector save time and money. One little known advantage of purchasing through a co-op is vendor and contract management. Well-run cooperative purchasing organizations are active in managing contracts and vendor performance. “We are seeing our members making contract andRead… Read more »

Citizen Engagement Case Study: A GitHub-first Campaign

This blog post is an excerpt from our latest guide, which explores the role of citizen engagement in transforming government. Click here to download the report. We’re all familiar with the traditional ways politicians announce and publicize their campaigns for office: stump speeches, TV ads and op-eds in newspapers. Some of the more innovative onesRead… Read more »

Obama Taps HUD’s Donovan to Lead OMB – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: More than a half million pieces of space debris are orbiting the earth, at speeds up to 17,500 miles per hour. Ummm that’s fast. Clearly this debris is a safety concerns for astronauts aboard the International Space Station, but it also threatens to damage or destroy spacecraft and critical military, intelligence,Read… Read more »

Know the Difference between a Planning Package and a Work Package

Many Project Management Professional (PMP)® students have trouble understanding the difference between a planning package and a work package. Let’s turn first to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) to clear up any confusion: Planning Package = A work breakdown structure component below the control account with known work contentRead… Read more »

How to Get the Most Out of Your Internship

Internships are time-honored ways to get your foot in the door at an organization you’d love to work for – but you’re only going to get out of it what you put in. Whether you’re a student doing an internship for credit, or a professional who’s exploring a different career option, here are some concreteRead… Read more »

Good Engagement? Bad Engagement? Time to Check Your Cholesterol!

My post on engagement from a few weeks ago, The Myth of Social Media Engagement in the Public Service, generated a healthy debate on the nature and inherent value of engagement in the public sector. Some interpreted my post as saying that I held little or no value in engagement for the public sector. ThisRead… Read more »

Happy, Happy, Happy Citizens. Possible?

I have always been interested in happiness. Even before Pharrell Williams made it fashionable to sing about and dance to, I was interested in what made people happy. When I was given the opportunity to do some research for a Masters degree in Public Leadership (Virginia State Univ 2013) citizen satisfaction with local government becameRead… Read more »

7 Steps to Productivity

In my last blog, I talked about how to increase everyone’s productivity by tweaking your meetings. What about making your personal time more productive? Technology helps you multitask and do more, right? Wrong. Mutitasking creates lower quality results making you less productive. Here are seven productivity tips that I have combined from, a listRead… Read more »