Yearly Archives: 2014

BYOD Does Work – and the EEOC Proved It

The undeniable truth is that technology costs money. Even if the net result is a significant cost savings or improved service delivery, the process nearly always begins with digging into the agency’s proverbial pockets to fish out some seed money. Mobile technologies are no exception to this principle. However, through the right set of policies,Read… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Direction more important than pace

In principle, moving quickly often seems like a good idea but moving quickly in the wrong direction simply gets you to the wrong place fast. Most groups have a high need for quick achievement. We have all heard someone say, “Enough talk, let’s just do something!” And we have all seen groups charge off quicklyRead… Read more »

Getting Started with open311

This is a continuation of an article about open311 use cases in which I looked at three cities using open311 solutions to communicate with their constituents. This week, I’d like to offer some advice about getting started with open311 technology. The best places to start are with mobile reporting applications and the constituent relationship managementRead… Read more »

On the Frontlines of Government’s Technological Transformation

In 1975 we saw the invention of the personal computer. In 2002 the first wave of smartphones hit the market. In 2008 the federal government considered cloud computing for the first time. James Sills has been witness to it all. And for the past five years, Sills has been the chief information officer for theRead… Read more »

PMF: Presidential Management Fellowship — or Frustration?

It’s a long, sordid story, but the moral is simple: Beware what you ask for — you might get it! A little background: Back in 2007, I was so happy. The Presidential Management Fellowship program office “popped the cap”—they allowed universities to nominate an unlimited number of graduating students for the prestigious PMF program. Previously,Read… Read more »

6 Ways to Engage Your Workforce

Adding on to my last post on the Women’s Empowerment (WE) initiative in Kansas City, Missouri, we are looking closely at our internal practices to build a more inclusive, diverse city government. As a woman, a new mom, and coming from the male-dominated profession of architecture, I am acutely aware of some of the barriersRead… Read more »

Ten Equity & Action Tools from Everyday Democracy

Our organizational partners at Everyday Democracy recently shared a compilation of their top 10 resources for dialogue and deliberation practitioners that we highly encourage you to check out. They provide guidance on issues from incorporating racial equity into our work to training youth facilitators and are valuable tools for deepening our work. You can readRead… Read more »

Want to Be Seen as Professional? 3 Important Tips

Professionalism in the workplace is a hot topic. Being a “professional” portrays various images based on your perception of its definition. So, what’s your perception? We often think of a suited-up individual with a briefcase. Professionalism is often associated with competence and skill. However, being a skilled employee is not the same as being aRead… Read more »