Yearly Archives: 2014

7 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Exciting

Meetings compose a large amount of your work time, but are they time well spent? Efficiency can be increased or decimated by the timing and structure of meetings. Think about the impact multiplier for each participant. Starting an eight person meeting 15 minutes late wastes two hours of work for the organization. Bad meetings areRead… Read more »

What Are You Doing for National Day of Civic Hacking?

National Day of Civic Hacking is nearly here! The weekend of May 31-June 1, 2014 thousands of people will come together in communities around the world to hack, unconference, join a [freespace], and more. Code for America wanted to share what we’re up to for the weekend and invite you participate. Code for America EventRead… Read more »

Are you sitting comfortably?

Well, are you? Then I shall begin. Actually, no I wont. I shall disclaimer because I am not well. Because I am not well there will be mistakes in this and I wont see them. Some of them will be dyslexic mistakes and some will be words that don’t belong in the sentences they crashRead… Read more »

To Face New Threats, We Need New Ways of Thinking

This is the first blog in a three part series exploring smarter counter fraud. Technologies such as cloud computing, mobility, and web-based transactions have become pervasive in our private lives. For many of us, we are now demanding that government embrace those same technologies to create easier engagements, better service and provide information anywhere, anytime.Read… Read more »

Let’s Get Technical

A while back I had an opportunity to participate in a lunch and learn about this topic and thought these big take-aways would be great to share. Today’s workforce is a blend of Ernest Hemingway’s “Lost Generation,” Jack Kerouac’s “Beat Generation,” Timothy Leary’s Vietnam-era Generation and Generation Y (I couldn’t quite decide what literary workRead… Read more »

Here’s Looking at You, Kid – You’re a Government Rock Star

In high school, I was a cheerleader. Pom poms and football games were my Friday night. That might not sound like a good time for many, but for me, it was the ultimate. Why? Because I honestly believe that people perform better when their good work is recognized – and I loved rooting for othersRead… Read more »

Getting More Women in City Hall: Leveraging Private-Public Partnerships for Equity

I was hired as the first female Chief Innovation Officer in the country in early 2013 and I have to admit I think that is pretty cool. However, I am also very much aware of the gender gap that I see around me in meetings at City Hall and with community stakeholders. Often it isRead… Read more »