Yearly Archives: 2014

How Data Analysis Can Save Lives

The following is an excerpt from a GovLoop and SAS report, Government Workforce in Focus: Closing the Data Skills Gap. The report includes a survey of 283 public-sector professionals, which provides insights on the challenges in closing the data skills gap. The International Organization of Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental agency that provides humanitarian assistance toRead… Read more »

Enabling an Integrated IT Environment From the Foxhole to the Cubicle

The following is an excerpt from the GovLoop Guide, The Joint Information Environment: The IT Framework for the Future. You can access the full report here, in which we describe the JIE and impact it is making at the Department of Defense.  The Joint Information Environment (JIE), once deployed, will have far-reaching impacts on the wayRead… Read more »

Data Rich, Analysis Poor

Oakland has a new School Superintendent. I like him, partly because of the following statement he dropped at a meeting of the Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority recently. All the city and county heavy-hitters were there, discussing the possibility of hiring an out-of-state firm to do a data report on Oakland. There was much debateRead… Read more »

The Job Interview Mating Dance

There are few things in life more painful than a job interview. Except, perhaps, dating. There are also few things more shameful. Right? It’s not something you want to talk about. The screw-ups, the flubs, the asinine mistakes that everyone makes but which feel totally unique to your sorry ass. In a nod to theRead… Read more »

Why You Can’t Take Good Advice

  I’ve been doing branding for a very long time. And one thing sets my best clients apart from the losers: Their ability to take sound advice. One client flat-out refused to pay. Another threw a shit fit at my boss. A third became enraged at me directly. The things I say aren’t rocket science, really.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks were up again last week, helped by a strong rally on Friday which was triggered by a drop in interest rates in China, of all things. The reason for the drop in rates was because of some bleak economic data so it may turn out to be an emotional response to something that shouldRead… Read more »

Using Resistance to Innovate

Innovation means doing something different to get a better result. But doing something different requires change – something people generally resist. Resistance to change is well known and its reasons well documented. Trust. Security. Fear of failure. Stress related to learning new knowledge or skills. Managers spend many hours thinking about and experimenting with push-me/pull-youRead… Read more »