Yearly Archives: 2014

Lessons from Jill Abramson’s Departure

The firing of Jill Abramson, former executive editor for the New York Times, is still making headlines a week later mainly because she is a female executive who might have been ousted for being pushy and brusque. She also may have gotten a bad rap for questioning why her compensation was less than her maleRead… Read more »

Obtaining Profitability and Executability When Bidding Complex System Jobs

When bidding complex manufacturing jobs whether a factory process or administration process, such as coding, it is important to keep a few things in mind to increase profit margins. Understanding the client, the job and the tools needed in bidding jobs can drastically improve the profitability of your organization. Using the tools learned via operationalRead… Read more »

Citizen’s Initiative Review Spreads to County Decisions

Our friends at the Jefferson Center, an NCDD organizational member, recently shared an exciting piece about the first use of the Citizen’s Initiative Review process at the county level. Conducted in collaboration with Healthy Democracy, another NCDD organizational member, the project seems to have been a success and bodes well for the expanded use ofRead… Read more »

We Talk the Diversity Talk, But Does Your Agency Walk the Walk?

Most agencies have policies to facilitate diversity and sensitivity. Showing awareness or activism in this area may even be a part of your performance review. But be honest: do these policies really ensure that we walk the walk and truly embrace diversity in the workplace? Workplace diversity is a really fashionable topic these days. ItRead… Read more »

Decision Making with Real-Time Data

GIS is a platform for understanding our world. In the past, the data that fueled GIS could only represent a specific moment in time. But now, a number of new technologies are combining with ArcGIS to enable the real-time collection and sharing of data. The result? A dynamic platform that enables real-time visualization and analysis.Read… Read more »

VA Official Resigns Over Growing Patient Care Scandal – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: How did your retirement fare in the first quarter of the year? Should you be changing your TSP password? We take a look at your retirement in our interview with the TSP Board’s Kim Weaver. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at The SEVENRead… Read more »

How to Embed Quality Into Your Agency’s Culture

Quality was all the rage in the federal government’s ranks in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The emphasis on quality, however, never really died out in private industry, largely because they quantified its benefits for business. A recent study concludes: “A company with a highly developed culture of quality spends, on average, $350 millionRead… Read more »

Anatomy of Book Content: Focus on Body Matter

Anatomy of Book Content: Focus on Body Matter Commercial publishers view the “Body Matter” portion of book content as the “guts” or “meat” of the book content. The body matter content consists of the sections and chapters of your book. For consumer trade nonfiction books that appeal to a general audience, the overall page countRead… Read more »