Yearly Archives: 2014

Top 5 – Tips for Summer Interns

So it’s summer intern season again. Internships are a great way for a student to get experience, skills, and a professional network. And they are a great way for employersto tap into a potential future employee and get new ideas. I’ve had many summer internships myself and managed many summer interns. There’s a lot toRead… Read more »

A Recipe for Change

We have all heard the phrase “Change is Good.” But is it? Change can be good; however, making a change without regard for those affected by it, is a recipe for trouble. When a leader tells employees about a change instead of involving them in the change, a team’s work quality, morale, and motivation suffers,Read… Read more »

An internal email newsletter?

Here’s an idea for those wanting to get some engagement going within your organisation. Send some emails. Actually, let’s be more specific. Send some really good emails. People are inundated with email at work, and adding to the burden might sound counter-productive. How about sending an email that reduces the burden though? Since I’ve beenRead… Read more »

Twenty years of e-Government

Many of the ambitions of twenty years ago still resonate today. Their realisation is still work in progress. Jerry Fishenden has taken on the labour of recording the main trends of the history of e-government, or online government, or digital government (even the name has archaeological layers) in the UK over the last twenty years.Read… Read more »

Millennials & Gov: Where’s the Love?

Uncle Sam continues to face a quandary over how to attract a new generation of young people to public service. One perplexing problem is how to rebuild plummeting trust in government among the all important millennial demographic, also known as Generation Y. This generation will ultimately comprise a majority of the U.S. labor force, yetRead… Read more »

NYU Launches Research Network on Opening Governance

In case you missed it, we wanted to share about an interesting new initiative on open government from NYU’s Governance Lab. The initiative will conduct research on governments that pursue innovative ways of doing their work and should be a project to keep an eye on for researchers or those interested in open governance. YouRead… Read more »

Zombies, OMB IT, and no more ideas! CBG Round-up, 05.16.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Those Kids Today! A few things: First, Lindsay Pollack deconstructs some myths about Millenials, an important read for people trying to manage them. Also, the Washington Post has a chart showing which college majors students chose now, vs. 40 years ago. The prevalence of texting has yielded another positive result: people can nowRead… Read more »