Yearly Archives: 2014

Be Thankful but Keep it In Perspective

Envision for a moment that Germany won World War II. They in turn created a holiday that celebrated this feat and ignored the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism. This holiday would be centered around families giving thanks for one of the biggest human rights travesties in world history. Businesses would close during this national observance. Schools wouldRead… Read more »

Three Letters Could Boost Your Career

Simple question: Are you happy with your career? If not, what are you going to do about it? We have a suggestion: IDP. At GovLoop’s Thursday online training, Creating a Great Individual Development Plan to Grow Your Career, we spoke with Kathleen Flora, Certified Career Counselor & Leadership Development, Instructor, Defense Intelligence Agency, and SteveRead… Read more »

Preparing for Phase 2 of the CDM Program

Government information networks have become more interconnected and diverse than ever before. As such, risks for cyberattacks have increased. To help civilian agencies detect, mitigate and mediate attacks, DHS has established the Continuous Diagnostic and Mitigation (CDM) program, which will enable government officials to gain increased visibility of their networks, and improve their cybersecurity postureRead… Read more »

3 Best Practices for Securing Confidential Data

With organizations creating more documents and data by the minute, it’s essential now more than ever before that agencies look at how to protect all of their information. That’s why many agency leaders are now exploring Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions. DLP helps organizations discover, monitor, protect and manage information, particularly sensitive data, wherever itRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: What One Change Would You Make?

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: A how-to guide for being a government innovator How to Avoid the Lion’s Mouth: Risk Management Just What the Doctor Ordered: How To Achieve Smarter Care ButRead… Read more »

15 Government Instagrams to Follow

Government can be beautiful. Yea, I know. There are lot of things you call government–tough, innovative, bureaucratic, dedicated–but beautiful is rarely the adjective of choice. Instagram is changing that. Since GSA negotiated a government-compatible Terms of Service agreement with Instagram in mid-2013, agencies have been flocking to the platform to show the beauty of government. AndRead… Read more »

23 Cybersecurity Facts and Figures

You’ve probably heard a lot about the mounting threat of cyberattacks and the need for government organizations to safeguard their information environment against them. Recent events like the USIS breach only amplify anxiety over cybersecurity. But is all this hype really merited? You may be questioning whether the threat of cybersecurity is overinflated or fleeting. Well, we’re hereRead… Read more »

The 6 Foundational Elements of ECM

In the last few months, GovLoop has talked about the 10 benefits of going paperless and provided an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) crash course. ECM software allows organizations to manage their documents more effectively and automate workflows, helping remove tedious document management tasks to improve government efficiency. ECM’s six foundational building blocks include the abilityRead… Read more »