Yearly Archives: 2014

New Gettysburg Project Seeks to Bridge Research & Practice

We wanted to share the post below from the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation’s Challenges to Democracy blog highlighting an interesting new initiative to watch called the Gettysburg Project. Led in part by NCDD supporting member Dr. Archon Fung, the initiative explores the decline of public engagement and ways that we might improveRead… Read more »

Want Better Citizen Engagement? Three Tips to Get There

Do you believe that the involvement of citizens in the management of the government makes government better? Are you willing to do things differently to reach a different segment of the population? One of the leaders I respect the most has often been heard to say that public servants are at their best when theyRead… Read more »

Geospatial Intel Meets Entity Resolution: The Who, What, When, Where — and Quest for Why

Inspired by the many conversations we had at the recent GEOINT Symposium about how geospatial data can become an ideal pivot point for an entity resolution system, the time is here to transition from When and Where to Who and What –as well as the elusive Why. Eyes On the Earth Geospatial imagery abounds. ThereRead… Read more »

One Fewer Tech Association, What Does that Mean? – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Do you know where your money is being spent in the government? Now you will. Legislation mandating detailed reporting on federal spending passed the House Monday and is heading for President Obama’s signature. So how will the DATA Act actually work? Get insights from the Data Transparency Coalition’s Hudson Hollister. YouRead… Read more »

The Importance of Being Global: Cultural Competence in the Public Sector

A study on trends in cultural competence focusing on healthcare policy, practice and education cites cultural competence as a strategy to improve quality of care and eliminate racial/ethnic disparities. The aim is to “develop a workforce capable of delivering high-quality care and services to everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, culture or language proficiency,” state contributorsRead… Read more »

From a Truck Stop to a Home: How to Facilitate Community Connectedness

Government agencies partner with local residents to solve community problems, design new projects, coordinate beautification efforts, and keep lines of communication open. As a longtime city employee, I have worked on many community “outreach” or “engagement” projects over the years. One conversation I had with a resident had a profound impact on my work perspective.Read… Read more »

Opening Up the Fiscal Blinds – Data Act Mandates Transparency

Do you know where your money is being spent in the government? Now you will. Legislation mandating detailed reporting on federal spending passed the House Monday and is heading for President Obama’s signature. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act —also called the DATA Act —would expand agency transparency requirements to include spending data for allRead… Read more »