Yearly Archives: 2014

The Evolving Cyber Threat – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Twenty years ago the government created the role of the Chief Information Officer. But now, two decades later, there’s still a real disconnected between procurement and IT. So what can and should be done? Insights from the Public Spend Forums, Raj Sharma. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.comRead… Read more »

Ten Steps to Starting a New Management Assignment

One of the more intimidating but significant times in the life of a manager is the start of a new organizational assignment. It’s an opportunity to take advantage of your strengths and work on any weaknesses. And, as with any project, the way you begin is extremely important. Performing a situational assessment is an importantRead… Read more »

Time for Sir Humphrey to retire

Just before Easter, I spent a couple of nights staying in a rather nice hotel. As it turned out, the fact that I can dimly remember watching Fawlty Towers many years ago proved to be of no help at all to me in understanding what was going on or how to navigate its processes. IRead… Read more »

Procurement Summit – How to Empower the CIO

Twenty years ago the government created the role of the Chief Information Officer. But now, two decades later, there’s still a real disconnected between procurement and IT. Procurement systems simply cannot keep up with the pace of the technology. Need proof? Just look at the rollout of Many experts say the wrong contractors andRead… Read more »

Success Rule #42 – Be Financially Fit

Pretty simple rule, yet one that is often ignored or at a minimum, not really understood. We grow up not really being taught how to manage our finances and so we go to college, or perhaps get a job. We then get a checking account, a credit card…or two, or three, start spending, accumulating debt,Read… Read more »

Four Actions to Better Integrate Performance Into Budget Formulation

Reformers have promoted the notion of performance budgeting since it was introduced by the 1949 Hoover Commission. Major initiatives have been attempted and incremental progress has been achieved. But not enough has happened. A Government Accountability Office survey last year reports that the percentage of federal managers saying they used performance information in allocating resourcesRead… Read more »

7 Lessons in Addressing Racism from Everyday Democracy

Our organizational partners are Everyday Democracy have been working for 25 years to make racial equity a central piece of their work in dialogue and deliberation, and they recently condensed some of the key insights that work has taught them. We learned a lot from ED’s lessons and share their belief addressing racism in ourRead… Read more »

Social Media Reality Check: Four Mental Shifts Leaders Need to Make

I have previously written about the 5 Main Barriers to Digital Engagement by organizations, their leaders, and other senior professionals. These barriers include lack of knowledge and understanding of social and digital technologies, framing that leads to risk aversion, poor/no roadmaps, and inadequate resource allocation. A related issue involves concerns over the ROI of socialRead… Read more »

From Drug Dealing in a Federal Prison to Crowdfunding Diplomacy: Your NextGen Speaker Contest Winners!

Remember back at the start of April when we asked you to help us decide the five finalists who would speak in a series of lightning talks at NextGen? Well, you more than delivered. From over 150 entries and 1,800+ votes, we now have the five people who have been selected to share their storyRead… Read more »