Yearly Archives: 2014

The 12 Most Popular PMP Exam Preparation Tools

If you are about to start studying for your Project Management Professional (PMP) exam, you’ll want to make sure your toolkit is bursting with things to help you on the journey to becoming a PMP. There are so many options to consider when looking at the study materials on the market that it can beRead… Read more »

Why Geography Matters More Than Ever Before

In today’s world, geography matters more than ever before. Our ability to understand how our actions impact location is essential to building safer and more resilient communities. Mastering geography is the key to gain insights to deliver improved services. It’s helping government see environmental impacts, analyze demographics and gain knowledge of the context and contentRead… Read more »

Tilting at Windmills

Have you ever found yourself tilting at windmills, only to discover the enemy is within? The expression, “tilting at windmills” refers, as you probably know, to fighting imaginary enemies, and is taken from Don Quixote’s misconstrued view of windmills in the distance to be larger-than-life enemies: “Just then they came in sight of thirty orRead… Read more »

If government procurement is broken, fix it – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 70 percent of federal employees do not believe promotions in their work unit are based on merit, and only 43 percent of employees surveyed feel as though they are recognized for doing a good job. Something needs to change in the civil service – and it needs to happen now. InsightsRead… Read more »

3 Secrets To Great Content Marketing

By Amy DeWolf In a recent post in Forbes, Jay Baer discusses the secrets to great content marketing. For government, getting your information in front of an audience is important. The more information you can provide citizens in an easily accessible manner, the better. For private organizations, great content marketing translates to dollars. So whatRead… Read more »

Tilting at Windmills

Have you ever found yourself tilting at windmills, only to discover the enemy is within? The expression, “tilting at windmills” refers, as you probably know, to fighting imaginary enemies, and is taken from Don Quixote’s misconstrued view of windmills in the distance to be larger-than-life enemies: “Just then they came in sight of thirty orRead… Read more »

The Human Element of Communications

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Google+, blogs and emails have changed the way government communicates with the public. But in order to have a true government transformation, you can’t forget about the people part of the equation. You can send out all the tweets in the world, but if no one sees them, or takes an action,Read… Read more »

Civil Service 2.0 – Reforms 60 Years in the Making

70 percent of federal employees do not believe promotions in their work unit are based on merit, and only 43 percent of employees surveyed feel as though they are recognized for doing a good job. Those dire numbers are highlights from the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. And worst of all? Only 26 percent ofRead… Read more »

The New Civics Grant Initiative

We recently came across a grant opportunity from the Spencer Foundation that we think would be an excellent match for some of the folks in the NCDD network. The New Civics grant initiative offers two levels of grant funding to apply to projects in civic education and action, as well as a third category forRead… Read more »

A Paycheck Deferred

Stephen Lurie raises a provocative question about a high profile government internship program in his recent Washington Post opinion piece. With all the emphasis President Obama has given to a fair minimum wage, wage equality, and access to overtime pay, is it a bit surprising that a group of workers very close to the presidentRead… Read more »