Yearly Archives: 2014

APSC’s current online participation guidance becoming an unwanted and unneeded distraction

There’s been a great deal of scrutiny of the APSC’s revised guidance on social media participation by public servants since it came into effect in early 2012 (coincidentally about the time I left the public service). Initially dubbed by some parts of the media as the ‘Jericho amendments‘ (sorry Greg!), the 2012 guidance has regularlyRead… Read more »

National Equal Pay Day Retrospective: White House to EEOC

President John F. Kennedy signed the landmark Equal Pay Act back in 1963 (pictured above in an Oval Office signing ceremony). Yet more than half a century later there remains a persistent gender-based pay gap for women workers compared to men. The good news, if any, is that female feds earn more on the dollar,Read… Read more »

Agencies Have Set New Priority Goals

Last month, the White House publicly released a list of 92 priority goals that agencies have committed to achieve by the end of 2015. They also named individuals responsible for implementing these goals, as required by law. What are these goals? Who are these people? The 2010 revision of the Government Performance and Results ActRead… Read more »

GSA IAE is seeking Industry Feedback

I am reposting this from the IAE Interact site. You can read more and sign up for this interactive community here. “The GSA Integrated Award Environment team is asking you to dive into our current business processes to tell us what can be improved as we move forward with the development of the future environment.Read… Read more »

Spring Time Renewal

What is it about the warmth of the sun? What a glorious weekend we just enjoyed on the east coast. Sunshine and some nice, warmer, spring-like temperatures. Truly wonderful to think that those wintery, cold days are finally behind us. One of the women who works with me likes to say that spring is aRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Add $100,000 to Your Retirement Savings

Saving is hard – especially these days. You may have immediate concerns like student loans, credit card bills, mortgages, or childcare payments. Or maybe your current job is “just for now,” and you don’t want to commit to a retirement plan yet. Perhaps you’re new to investing, or you’re nervous about taking on risk. WeRead… Read more »

It’s Judgment Day: Microsoft Ends Support for Windows XP

Today Microsoft has ended support of Windows XP. If you’re using a computer with XP, it’s essential that you take the proper steps now to upgrade your computer. Starting today, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for Windows XP. This includes support for security updates, patch vulnerabilities and malware – supportRead… Read more »