Yearly Archives: 2014

Smarter-spending Solutions for State and Local Governments

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it. -H. James Harrington Deciding to implement a new budgeting process and software solution can beRead… Read more »

CM Call on Sustaining Neighborhoods this Thurs.

Our organizational partners at CommunityMatters are hosting another one of their great capacity building calls this Thursday, April 10th, from 4-5pm EST. NCDD is a partner in the CommunityMatters collaboration, and we encourage you to hop on the call and learn with us. This month, the call is focused on Building and Sustaining Vital Neighborhoods.Read… Read more »

Mandatory e-Government – Is it Possible?

Last week, I was about to attend a fascinating session at the 49th session of the Public Governance Committee at OECD in Paris entitled “Innovative Technologies for Improving Public Sector Governance.” Over the course of the day, there were a number of fascinating presenters, including Digital Mexico Group, Behavioral Insights Group from the United Kingdom,Read… Read more »

Spain tops European elections online debate

Following on from my previous post, here are the latest trends in the online debate about the forthcoming European elections (based on statistics collected during the last week). The online debate is growing steadily There have been more than 200,000 mentions of the European elections during the last seven days (social media, news sites, blogs,Read… Read more »

APSC’s current online participation guidance becoming an unwanted and unneeded distraction

There’s been a great deal of scrutiny of the APSC’s revised guidance on social media participation by public servants since it came into effect in early 2012 (coincidentally about the time I left the public service). Initially dubbed by some parts of the media as the ‘Jericho amendments‘ (sorry Greg!), the 2012 guidance has regularlyRead… Read more »

Ready for the Remote Work Revolution?

Call it what you will: telecommuting, remote work, telework, working from home, etc. Regardless of how one labels it the truth remains the same: telework works, period! However, for remote work to be successful employers must make sure such practices are properly applied and implemented with strict standards to ensure employee accountability, high performance andRead… Read more »

New Books Community Garden

I am a part-time YA & Adult Programming Clerk for our County Library, the Main Branch. Our town has a population of under 30K people. Incomes are disparate from the West to the East. While more than 78% of our town has an income of under 17Gs per year. The other 22% are in theRead… Read more »

Models and Actuals

Last week I read 2nd Machine Age, which pointed out thatMoore’s Law, that computing power per cost doubles approximately every 18 months and has been chugging along for 60 years, is not a law, but the sum of thousands of heroic breakthroughs, a lot of people doing good work. Every time some theoretically imposed boundaryRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

We were having a very nice week until early Friday morning, when things fell apart. The jobs report came out, and the market seemed to like it. Stocks opened higher after the report, but something went very wrong shortly thereafter. Despite the big losses on Friday, we actually posted modest gains for the week inRead… Read more »