Yearly Archives: 2014

SUCCESS RULE #40 Seek Congruency (between your conscious thoughts and your sub-conscious mind)

Many of us want success as we define it in our own thoughts, the rockin’ body, the fat bank account, the great relationship, peace and harmony in our lives, the perfect career and so on. These are the things we consciously think about or dream of. Unfortunately many have a sub-conscious mind that has beenRead… Read more »

PolicyOps – A Better Way to Create and Implement Government Policies and Programs?

Nearly 45 years ago, the United States landed two men on the Moon. It was not only an amazing technological achievement but also showed that the American government could achieve the big goals. All through the 20th Century, America’s government accomplished landmark mega-projects: the Hoover Dam, winning World War II, atomic power, the agricultural revolution,Read… Read more »

Three Ways To Fail Your PMP Exam Audit

The Project Management Institute’s (PMI)® Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential is a globally recognized certification of project management knowledge, skills and experience. So it’s not surprising that PMI takes great care to insure the quality of its certification process, from application through post certification. When you apply to sit for PMI’s PMP Certification, you willRead… Read more »

Content Management for Government – watch the webcast

Below is the video from the live webcast on Content Marketing for Government that Content Group managed, hosted by David Pembroke with Gina Cianco of the Australian Government Department of Human Services, Kanchan Dutt and myself as guests. It’s an interesting watch. I’ll buy a drink for anyone who accurately counts the number of ‘ums’Read… Read more »

How To Save Money On Your PMP Exam Studies

Studying for and earning your Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification can be a costly affair, some training courses can cost upwards of several thousand US Dollars. However, there are ways to cut your costs and still have access to valuable and useful study tools. Below we will discuss several ways you can lower the costRead… Read more »

How’s Your Work-Life Balance in Today’s Digital/Mobile World?

Today’s increasing reliance on new and evolving information technology in employment has given new meaning to the term work-life balance. That’s because the 21st century proliferation of digital/mobile IT tools to do our jobs is radically transforming how and when we work in fundamental ways. The question now is whether the transition to the virtualRead… Read more »

When your employees go too far on social media…

I recently did some work for a client that involved looking into recent Canadian legal cases dealing with employees that have been either fired or reprimanded for their conduct on social media platforms. I ended up using some of these cases as examples in an internal training program I developed for employees on “responsible digitalRead… Read more »

How To Get Women In The Contracting Game

Women owned small businesses make up less than 5% of the federal procurements, but the federal government is trying to make a change. They have created requirements and set-asides to help women-owned businesses enter into federal contracts. The Small Business Administration and American Express Open have also teamed up to help get the word outRead… Read more »

CSP Disclosure Requirements for Contractors: Time for Reform

GSA’s Office of Inspector General’s recent memorandum to the FAS Commissioner continues to confirm the impracticality of contract compliance under the current MAS pricing policies. The memorandum is the third in a series of memoranda (March 25, 2014, March 8, 2013 and September 26, 2011) regarding recurring issues identified in the preaward contract audits doneRead… Read more »

Attention Data Warehouse and BI Professionals: Your Rock Star is Back in Town

Normally, when a rock star comes to town, tickets sell out fast. And when that rock star is a genre-defining pioneer, your odds of getting a seat diminish to almost zero. Well, data warehouse and business intelligence professionals: your rock star has come to town. And we’ve got tickets just for you – for free.Read… Read more »