Yearly Archives: 2014

The Second Half Of The Chessboard

The story goes that the inventor of chess showed it to the emperor, who was mightily impressed, and asked the inventor to name a suitable reward. The seemingly modest response was one grain of rice on the first square, then doubling the rice on each subsequent square. When it turned out that many grains ofRead… Read more »

How diverse is the online conversation about the European elections?

The online conversation about the European elections provides some fascinating insights into the issues at stake, the electoral process and the positions of the protagonists from the different sides of the debate. But if we step back a bit from the specifics of the election campaign, what can these online exchanges tell us more generallyRead… Read more »

Spring Is a Great Time to Revitalize Your Professional Network

Spring is here. In my suburban neighborhood, homeowners are turning their thoughts toward their yards. Thatching, fertilizing, edging and Spring planting are all seasonal maintenance activities required for greener lawns, vibrant flower gardens and attractive landscapes. Anyone who has ever had a yard will tell you these results don’t just happen; they require constant effortRead… Read more »

Working Insights: Process Analysis presentation creation and the movies

Finished my presentation deck for Wednesday’s Business Architect call, sent it out to my manager & colleague, and other friends for comments. The topic is business process analysis methods. Its a short 20 minute presentation on the benefits and some methods of value for analyzing processes. During developing I rediscovered what I already knew: DifficultRead… Read more »

Bringing Sexy Back to Government Content for the Web

In B2B and B2C marketing circles, content marketing is a very sexy, very now topic of discussion. In fact, entire conferences are cropping up to celebrate, educate and share techniques to make the most of strategic content marketing. But is government keeping up with the latest best practices of appealing, informative, interesting and sharable content?Read… Read more »

What is Trust?

Picture this: Lucy has convinced Charlie Brown to run up to kick the football while she is holding it. Charlie races toward the ball and just before he kicks it, Lucy pulls it away – again. Of course, Charlie kicks nothing but air and winds up on his back with a thud; humiliated and disappointedRead… Read more »

Political Appointees – How To Make The Most Of Their Time

The political appointee is one of the most prized and most difficult positions in government. These individuals are plucked (mostly) from the private sector, dragged through the Senate confirmation process and handed the top-job at an agency. They are expected to lead, but often don’t have the tools necessary to manage the difficult and nuancedRead… Read more »

Gov To Upgrade Retirement System? – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The political appointee is one of the most prized and most difficult positions in government. These individuals are plucked (mostly) from the private sector, dragged through the Senate confirmation process and handed the top-job at an agency. They are expected to lead, but often don’t have the tools necessary to manageRead… Read more »

Knowledge Areas, Process Groups, and Processes-Oh, My!

One of the most discussed tables in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition is the “Project Management Process Groups and Knowledge Areas Mapping” matrix, found in Table 3-1 on page 61. This table maps the 47 project management processes to their corresponding KnowledgeRead… Read more »