Yearly Archives: 2014

SUCCESS RULE #39 Learn the Language of the Mind

Do you talk to yourself? Do you answer? I’m sure you do. We all of have conversations with ourselves, these are called thoughts. Perhaps the more serious question is what type of conversations are you having? What is the language of your mind? Have you ever talked yourself into such a frenzy it actually madeRead… Read more »

In which circumstances should a democratic nation ban access to social networks?

During the UK riots in 2011, the UK Prime Minister suggested shutting down social networks in future riots to prevent information sharing amongst rioters. Now Turkey has blocked access to Twitter, stating the service was ‘biased’ and did nothing to stop the ‘character assassination’ of politicians in the current ruling party accused of bribery. LikeRead… Read more »

Evidence-based analysis of sustainability initiatives – Part 2: There is no such thing as “clean energy”.

Utilities are claiming that natural gas plants produce relatively clean energy compared to other fossil-fuel electricity producing plants such as coal-fired facilities. Some are promoting this as a bridge until renewable energy sources become the norm. Unfortunately, over a period of 25 years, natural gas plants create more global warming than coal- fired plants.… Read more »

What are four types of mentors you need for your career needs?

Check this out: via @prismatic One of my friends introduced me to the notion of having a committee: a group of personal connections that serve as a sounding board for personal and professional issues? I have developed my own committee which serve as mentors for me on a variety of issues. How have youRead… Read more »

What are four types of mentors you need for your career needs?

Check this out: via @prismatic One of my friends introduced me to the notion of having a committee: a group of personal connections that serve as a sounding board for personal and professional issues? I have developed my own committee which serve as mentors for me on a variety of issues. How have youRead… Read more »

10-Point Plan to Land Dream Job for Millennials, Gen Z & All Generations

Small children have big dreams. As a kid I wanted to be everything from a NASA astronaut to a Major League baseball star. Yet as most people age and mature their dreams tend to evaporate and morph into something more practical and attainable. But impractical does not mean impossible. That is, if you’re really willingRead… Read more »

Selling Out

During a period of more than 10 years, as a CEO, Director, and Board Chairman, I have been responsible for disposing of three organizations and have been an acquisition target of two other organizations. I have been a close observer of several others. Here’s what I learned. Start Early. From concept to handing over theRead… Read more »

This is What the Future of Government Innovation Looks Like

Presidential Innovation Fellows with IFE CEO Kathleen Kemper (center) and John Paul Farmer (far right). Photo credit: Kevin Allen The term ‘government innovation’ can seem like an oxymoron. But for a small band of disrupters working at the highest levels of government, innovation is actually the prevailing rule of the day. On Thursday, March 13th,Read… Read more »

Inaugural Federal Times Blog Post: GSA’s Draft Strategic Plan for FY 2014 – 2018: Where is the $40 Billion Multiple Award Schedules program?

For this week’s comment I wanted to share with you my inaugural blog post that was first published on the Federal Times’ Acquisition Blog ( The post highlights Thought #2 “GSA’s Strategic Plan: Plan versus implementation,” one of the issues contained in my “Food for Thought in 2014”: GSA’s Draft Strategic Plan for FY 2014Read… Read more »