Yearly Archives: 2014

Evidence-based analysis of sustainability initiatives – Part 1: Ungreen at any speed

Much has been made about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution through the production and use of hybrid and/or electrical vehicles. Many companies and governmental jurisdictions are rushing to buy such vehicles, and/or to construct charging stations. However, if one considers the life-cycle of carbon emissions, it turns out that H/EVs are more damaging thanRead… Read more »

To Telework On Sunny Days? – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Monday brought another round of winter weather to the DC metro region. The federal government was closed, but not for teleworkers. Teleworkers were able to continue on, business as usual. The question becomes, if telework is acceptable/necessary on days when the weather if foul, is telework also an advantage on days when the sun isRead… Read more »

7 Criteria for Selecting Your PMP Exam Simulator

The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a must-have for many project managers. It demonstrates your ability as a project manager to your current and prospective employers, and can help you take the next step up the corporate ladder. That said, it is not an easy road, and preparing for the exam can be aRead… Read more »

The Telework Cost Benefit Argument – It’s Reduced Stress; No It’s Decreased Cost

Even before our most recent March snow day, the savings to the Federal government for employees who continue to work while at home has topped $32 million, based on a study conducted by the Global Workplace Analytics and Telework Research Network and quoted in the March 3th edition of Wired Workplace. The weather this winterRead… Read more »

With Support of XP Sunsetting, The Push Should be Enterprise Tablet Adoption

April 8th, 2014, will mark the end of an era, and, for some, the beginning of something new. On this date, Microsoft will be ending its support of Windows XP, as well as Office 2003. This is a scheduled termination, and it means that businesses using XP will need to migrate to a modern, fully-supportedRead… Read more »

Tip-off: Is The NCAA Tournament Helping or Hindering Your Productivity?

You’ve likely seen much in the media addressing how the NCAA tournament affects productivity – positively or negatively – like here, here, and here! So, does it help or hinder productivity and performance? As a firm who works with client’s in the areas of employee engagement and high performance culture I can say – itRead… Read more »

Making Twitter useful again…

I popped open my twitter account (@jmillsapps) this morning and realized that for the last few weeks I hadn’t really been on much. I remember back when I first got on Twitter I loved it because so much of what I was interested in came to me without my spending time combing the web. IRead… Read more »

Want to innovate government? Focus on culture

When innovating in government, the technology’s the easy part. Innovative efforts often do one of two things: They take long-established technology from the private sector and inject it into an agency, or They reimagine long-assumed processes from the citizen’s perspective. The ultimate meta yak shave If you want to innovate government, 90-day, 120-day, or six-monthRead… Read more »

Government stakeholders and citizens see different priorities for open data release

Socrata has released an interesting benchmark study on open government data, which looks at the state of open data from the perspectives of citizens, developers and government. It is interesting to compare which data government stakeholders consider important to publish, compared to what citizens feel is important. Looking at Very Important from the tables (below)Read… Read more »

Sharing Makes Everything Better: Everyone Benefits When Small Data Goes Big

For decades, urbanites have been tuning in to local radio stations before their morning commute to hear the traffic report. Based on static cameras at strategic locations, as well as helicopters and tips from motorists or passengers, traffic reports are perfect examples of data that give rise to decisions. Holland Tunnel is blocked? Route aroundRead… Read more »