Yearly Archives: 2014

How we tackled “Civic Infrastructure” at NCDD 2012

I’m preparing a little presentation for our partners at CommunityMatters on how NCDD tackled the concept of civic infrastructure at our last national conference, and thought I’d write about it here on the blog to gather my thoughts. Our convening question (kinda like a theme) for NCDD Seattle was: How can we build a moreRead… Read more »

How To Become PMI-ACP Certified Even After A Disappointing Class

Even if your classroom experience is disappointing, you can still go on to pass your PMI exam. Felix Rodgers, PMI-ACP, is one successful candidate who had a less than good experience of his training course.“It was really interesting stuff,” he said, in an interview with Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, host of The Project Management Podcast.Read… Read more »

Women’s History Month: Honoring Service

Did you know that March is officially designated as Women’s History Month? While all women everywhere deserve to be honored and recognized for their tremendous accomplishments every day and month of the year, March has been specifically set aside to celebrate their achievements and sacrifices to America. Without the countless contributions of women to societalRead… Read more »

Internet of Things technology installed on flight #370 could have avoided the disaster!

I blogged today that, unless the engines on Flight 370 used some sort of proprietary communications protocol, it should have been possible for the airline and the flight tower to have had simultaneous REAL-TIME access to the engine data: the problem is that Internet of Things technology is ahead of management practices to capitalize onRead… Read more »

Gaming For Clarity Recognizes Intelligence Biases

A recent press report quoted unnamed US intelligence sources saying Russia had no intention of invading the Ukraine. The appraisal became the subject of considerable debate when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his nation’s military into Ukraine’s Crimea region. Follow-on media reports said strategic assessments had been made by US intelligence and defense authorities thatRead… Read more »

Learning how to crowd fund – and launch of Social Media Planner Kickstarter

This morning at BarCamp Canberra I gave the presentation below on how to setup a crowdfunding campaign, based on my personal experience setting up a Kickstarter for Social Media Planner. For people interested in crowdfunding I’ve embedded my presentation below. If you’re interested in learning more about Social Media Planner, and potentially backing it, see:Read… Read more »

Four Great Years

It was nearly four years ago to the day that after having first heard about Code for America, I quickly dropped CfA’s Founder Jennifer Pahlka a note asking to be involved. Fascinated, I was hoping to volunteer for the summer after graduating before starting at Google that autumn. Needless to say, I never went toRead… Read more »

Why NextGen: GovLoop Mentorship, NextGen and My Road to DC

Written By: Emily Rolkowski, Federal Government Employee I applied and was accepted to the 2013 Spring GovLoop mentorship program. As a federal employee working in Chicago, I desperately wanted to meet more peers working in the same sector. Even though I participated in the mentorship program remotely, I still gained a tremendous amount from it.Read… Read more »

How Do You Get Good at Public Speaking? Fall in Love With It

This is the second installment in a three-part series covering GovLoop’s virtual training event on effective public speaking. The first installment collected top tricks for improving your public speaking, while the third installment answered frequently asked questions about effective public communication. I love developing expertise on a topic. It’s a multitude of reasons: I enjoyRead… Read more »