Yearly Archives: 2014

GSA Makes Smart Move in Shifting SmartPay Conference to Virtual Event

A couple months ago, an article on the Federal Times caught my attention as it declared, “GSA cancels 2014 Expo, SmartPay goes virtual.” Curious, I reached out to the GSA SmartPay team to learn more about their move from in-person to online for this event. Below is a summary of my interview with them. Q1:Read… Read more »

The Web at 25 and the Sequester at 1: CBG Round-up, 03.14.2014

This post has been updated to include the contribution from Dan Chenok. Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, the Web turned 25. To me, these articles, taken together, tell a story: of where we are, the direction we’re headed, and how far we’ve already come. They also point to hazards we need to avoid and steps weRead… Read more »

How To Get College Kids Interested In Gov – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

Millennials comprise only 8.5 percent of the federal workforce. In order to be innovative agencies must attract, hire and retain top talent from colleges and universities to ensure our government is positioned to tackle the country’s most pressing problems. What steps do agencies need to take to address this challenge? How can they do aRead… Read more »

Security and Public Health

A blog posting by Bruce Schneier Which IMO ought to have widest distribution Title: Security as a Public Health Issue …I think there’s a good case to be made for security as an exercise in public health. It sounds weird at first, but the parallels are fascinating and deep and instructive. Last year, when IRead… Read more »

Is Business-to-Business Ready to Acknowledge a Man-to-Woman Shift?

All over the world, a change in marketing perspective is happening. In the past, the male gaze was the standard in many industries when it comes to making decisions about retail. Today, the female sensibility has taken over – from fashion products to mobile apps, real estate, and even the previously predominantly male market ofRead… Read more »

Launching my Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign at BarCamp Canberra

Tomorrow is BarCamp Canberra, a festival of ideas and experiences, where participants decide what to present and attend on the day. While it is hard to predict what people will talk about, I expect topics will range from technology and design to open data and social change, with a seasoning of personal experiences and interactiveRead… Read more »

Extracting Meaningful Analysis from Data Using Natural Language Processing.

In the past, unstructured data was too complex for common statistical programming languages to analyze. Therefore, in order to gain meaningful interpretations from unstructured data, people had to manually sort through various sources of data to draw conclusions. With limited resources and an overwhelming quantity of data, this method has become inefficient and costly. AsRead… Read more »

Step Back Because It’s Too Hard?

Being a member of the Data Transparency Coalition has some interesting benefits, not the least of which is, insight to activities happening on Washington’s Capitol Hill that are directly related to data. There are times for those of us who believe in the power of open, transparent data to rejoice, such the DATA Act beingRead… Read more »